
The Philosophy of Scientology and Dianetics
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The Technology Of Scientology And Dianetics

This will be most obviously the longest chapter in this book. I was asked by Fred Hare 15 years ago to write down the technology of Scientology and Dianetics and to rewrite all the books because Scientology is defined as not as a textbook science but as a consecutive set of research papers, tapes and bulletins.

To put it all down in a clear, concise order was an idea which L. Ron Hubbard, its supposed founder, had in 1965. He thought he could find a writer who wrote well, put him in a room for 6 - 7 months and that would be the end of that. So, I and another individual were approached with this particular task, which we were supposed to do for the love of mankind. I refused.

There are supposedly 25 million words of chat involved in this research line endeavour and how they come to those numbers is beyond my imagination.

I calculate it to be closer to 21 million words which I'll have to boil down here in this chapter. We will only be covering what is essential, need-to-know and must-know information in the technology.

There are separate chapters after this review of the technology covering the philosophy, the church, the owners of the church, the hidden secrets and the tragedy. The majority of the book is about to unfold here in these next 400 pages.

If you understand subjectively what I will state here in this chapter, get your own confusions and aberrations cleared up on the areas mentioned (in other words, get your own case, fixations or electrical energy run off yourself where you are no longer confused or swayed in these areas), then you can understand this information.

If you understand this information, you can apply it and help other people in a very lasting fashion. Although I have seen an almost unlimited quantity of lip service towards doing so, it seems that no one else can quite arrive with a complete understanding of this technology, whether it be Hubbard himself, or the tens of thousands of people which have studied this subject intensely.

I would suspect you could trace their inability to comprehend and apply this technology to their own unrun cases: their own aberrations and ignorance on the subject matter addressed.

It is ironic that it is their ignorance of areas outside of Scientology and Dianetics technology which throws them off of their studies into delusions.

I have attempted to cover all extraneous areas outside of the technology which might effect it in this one volume so that when exception occurs in the application of the technology, the individual will not be thrown off course, off guard or be overwhelmed by extraneous information. Extraneous information inevitably comes across ones path if one pursues the application of this particular conglomeration of wisdom.

An individual's ignorance is generally the result of living in a culture rampant with tremendous ignorance, thus people trying to study, learn and understand Scientology and Dianetics are alluded by two almost impossible factors. They are already ignorant and already aberrated. They aren't up to knowing that, much less suspecting it, much less perceiving it. In other words, people are ignorant and they are aberrated; that is, if given an opportunity of going from A to B, they will go to C instead.

One logical path out of this paradox is the multiple-pass approach on a subject matter clearing up the aberration and the ignorance as one goes. You just read the material over and over. As far as a complete and accurate assimilation of the technology, this path would not work until all this aberration is gone.

The bootstrap-limited approach (teaching people about Scientology and Dianetics prior to them having all of their aberration run off) has proven historically unworkable. Not only because people do the wrong things, but there is no way they will ever rise above being dumb and ignorant and prefer truth and sanity until their aberrations are gone. They would simply see no point in it. These particular ideas (in fact every idea in this book) can be subjected to objective tests and be found to be true.

The model way or the ideal way happens to be the only workable way. Someone had to have their case completed first before they could understand and apply the technology.

This oversimplification is only one in the issue of why no one can understand and apply the technology with any degree of consistency, accuracy and success. The other issue is, in spite of these determinates of why data can't be transmitted, knowing the materials objectively has no relationship to understanding. Once the information is known personally, it can be applied. Knowingness is a personal matter. Operating on another person's knowingness has very limited workability. It is only valuable to absorb, digest and work with other peoples knowingness in order to develop ones own. There is no record of all this information being assimilated and developed as a personal knowingness which the existence of the church or the study of the religion. These three determinates: (1) peoples affinity and unawareness for remaining aberrated, (2) their own unawareness of their high degree of ignorance, and (3) their complete lack of any personal knowingness -- add up to failure on not only the average student, but every student that has adventured on this particular road of truth.

99% of something is not a whole. Even if someone had attained 90% understanding, which some Public Relations Officer somewhere might promote as an idea, would be a complete asininity. There is no way anyone could have absorbed more than 10% because there are no records within the church of anyone ever running extremely high aberrations off a case.

There is a way of measuring electrical discharge of mental masses off of a person which is tone-arm divisions an hour. The best work ever done in the church within the organised religion, is about l0 - 15 divisions on the tone-arm in an hour. Any person who knows the technology or if any person were to know 99% of it, they could average over l00 and up to 500 divisions an hour.

What holds back accurate, decent application of the subject is the case state of the practitioner, not the person being consulted.

These precursory remarks about the technology had to be made in order to clear the record because out of the 21 - 25 million words which contain dozens of technologies, there is actually a single, decent, workable and perfect way to assist other individuals quite markedly at about l0 - l00 times the rate, more than anything ever mentioned or suspected within those 21 - 25 million words.

The probably reason for this particular variance is that this technology existed before this particular time on what is known as the past track in its pure form and only vague remembrances have been reconstructed through the very personal and very brilliant recollections of L. Ron Hubbard.

Unfortunately, the sloppiness and disorder and general casualness which surrounded this 30-year research line have completely obscured the salient factors of its application.

So, an abundance of research was done but as far as the applicable elements of that research being put in orderly fashion, Hubbard went the same route as Jesus: those that have ears to hear, can hear and those that have eyes to see can see. In doing so he fathered only one complete transmission.

Hubbard has remarked that he has released only 15% of what he knows and sees no point in releasing the rest of the information in that no one has caught onto the 15%. I seriously doubt that that is true. However, if there is validity to it, I can comprehend the wisdom of his limited disclosure. Within this text I have confined my remarks to a small percentage of what I am aware of as a courtesy. The degree of disclosure of vital information is too simple a variable to judge an individual by. The work which results from events which occur as a result of ones writings are a better judge. I am quite sure that there are some ignorant idiots out there that challenge my remarks. It is a sign of ignorance to judge instead of look and groups are full of people prejudiced against truth. In fact, groups are probably formed by mutual disagreement instead of mutual agreement and are held together by that disagreement.

Ending up in this unique position, may or may not have been my design. I found it quite unbelievable 20, 15 and 10 years ago. About 5 years ago dozens of people became aware of my unique position in knowing the technology. They not only brought it to my attention but to the attention of many others. When approached by people of station, I have generally explained that I am essentially doing my own thing, guided by my own conscience and immune from the positive and negative forces of traditional human society (power, position, influence and threat on bodily life).

I trust these preliminary remarks will provide an adequate background from which we can start to discuss the application of the scientific method towards the humanities, philosophies, religion, the occult, the nature of existence and many other areas which are the determinates in a person's past, present and future awareness level, intelligence, sanity, health, well-being, capability level and the individual's power relationship towards other life. We will address this fixed-quantum time continuum, the individual's stability, integrity and his ability to determine his own space, thoughts, position, non-position, certainty and his ability to co-operate (or not) with other freely-determining individuals through all man's awarenesses including those beyond perception; and lastly, the individual's integrity, decency, truth level, individuality, co-existence ability and ability to not be. Not be is a magical ability in a unrestricted, new, fresh, non-responsive, original and creative sense.

Much of what you will read will appear to be simply codified and synthesised common sense (which it is) which you may assume you already know. You may understand it, but I doubt that you know it. If you are not using it, you do not know it. What a man knows he uses. When a man understands, he simply understands and discards.

What people think, what people feel, and what people do are three different things. To the degree that those three things align, they are rational. To the degree that they are different, they are nuts. The order of importance is critical. You can only judge a man's bottom line by his actions, which are direct reflections of his deepest thoughts. Emotions are completely separate activities.

Thinking has nothing to do with thoughts. Thinking is 2 + 2 = 4, it is formulated, it is done within time, it is consequential, it is cause- effect, and it is computing. thought is just that, a pink elephant, a thought. It is not thinking.

However, some of you may insist much of this is codified common sense and 'I know that' and 'I use it', so congratulations to you for that. There will be information which is new. Take your time with it, play with it, test it and find out if it is true. I happen to know it's true, but that is my truth which does you no good. Only your truth does you good. This is not only my idea or L. Ron Hubbard's idea, or Buddha's idea, or Lao Tse's idea. It has been said often.

The whole subject of history or origins of information is an absurdity. Once an idea is known and stated to another, it is then everyone's and then people act on it. Much more is accomplish by writing this book than someone reading it. Someone reading it alone accomplishes more than however many other people read it. I believe it is called putting something in the physical universe, then everyone gets it and has it to draw upon. So, let us begin:

If one were to be very wise, then you should obtain and study on ones own, the Technical Dictionary of Scientology, Dianetics Today, the Tech Volumes (which are the Red Books of Scientology), The Book of Scales, 0- 8, 8:8008, 8-80, The Creation of Human Ability, The Fundamentals of Thought, The Phoenix Lectures, How To Choose Your People, Dianetics, and Science of Survival in that particular order. However, since that outside reading can only be suggested, I'll have to be clearing and explaining the words as I go.

From a technical viewpoint let us first define Scientology. It is a science of know to know answers, and also a science of life betterment, a science of understanding, a science of communication, an applied philosophy wherein a person discovers for himself that he can become aware over any problem and solve that problem himself.

One dictionary defined it as a system of organised axioms resolving problems of the spirit, life and thought developed through the application and methodology of the exact sciences to the humanities by L. Ron Hubbard, American engineer and philosopher.

A seventh definition might be the science which raises a person's ability to be aware and act.

An eighth definition is philosophy and technology which when applied correctly results in peace of mind, real security and attainment of some degree of final truth.

It is a history of the technology as Mr. Hubbard himself basically developed some philosophies about life and other developed philosophies about life which they freely gave to him. Anyway, it all came out under his name. People found this interesting and to some degree workable and they passed that fact along to other people. It grew and organisations were formed to unify and direct its growth.

Let us define the fellow, Hubbard, more succinctly. Although. it may seem a departure, I'd like to read or state what is listed in Who's Who In The South And Southwest, because the personal life of L. Ron Hubbard, fortunately or not, directly influenced what the technology was and is: born Tilden, Nebraska, March 13, 1911, H.R. & Ledora May Waterberry H., student Waverly Prep School 1929, Woodward Prep School 1930, B.S. in Civil Engineering, George Washington University 1934, student Princeton School of Government 1945, P.H.D. Sequoia University 1950, married Mary Sue Whipp, writer of aviation and travel articles 1930 -, writer of novels 1936 -, explorer 1934 -, commander of Caribbean Motion Picture Exhibition and West Indies Minerals Exhibition 1935, Alaska Radio Exhibition 1940, writer for 90 national magazines, Hollywood studios of radio, licensed commander glider pilot, master of motor vessels, master of sailing vessels (all class), radio operator, Mem. 16 3rd Infantry, Montana National Guard 1927 - 1928, 20th Marines, Marine Corps Reserves 1930 - 1931, served as Lt. USNR 1941 - 1946 commanding escort vessels and navigator in all theatres, Fellow Oceanographic Foundation, President Founding Church of Scientology, Washington, D.C., Clubs: Explorers (NYC), Capital Yacht. Author: Buckskin Brigade, Final Blackout, Rebellion, Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health, 20 other volumes on Dianetics and Scientology, also motion pictures, magazine fiction and two texts on psychology.

One of the premises on engaging upon the technology of Scientology is to acknowledge that there is adequate quantity of human misery to work on and resolve. There are a number of people who feel that everything is fine just the way it is and nothing really needs to be done about anything because it won't effect them personally. This is a rather short term, selfish viewpoint regardless of how prevalent it is.

The facts are that one-third of the world will be dead in 8 - 10 years from starvation; in the last 80 years l00 million people have been killed, that is, they did not die natural deaths; 60% of the South American population is illegitimate; at present, the U.S. has over 40,000 nuclear weapons and the exact figure is possibly twice that; France, England, China and a number of others have atomic weapons; the U.S. has made public to all nations the plans for constructing nuclear reactors for public power 15 years ago. Later it was released that the waste products from these reactors do make excellent bombs. There is no way to keep the bombs secret anymore, practically anyone can build a bomb. Estimates on defence expenditures total an incredible amount of money. A significant portion of the defence budget goes toward the development of gas and biological systems of war. The neutron, or enhanced radiation device, bomb is spreading throughout the world, Crime and divorce rates continue to rise; drug addiction has been rising at an unprecedented rate and is beginning to consume society. The population increase over the next 120 years is a sobering prospect. These are not pessimistic, random and undocumented statements. They are facts which can be verified.

Many more things could be said on the subject of human misery and social chaos which have been outlined by many other authors: Bertrand Russell, Aldous Huxley, Julian Huxley, Erich Fromm, Robert Lidner, Philip Wylie, John Stormer, etc.

I simply want to make the point that it is an essential part of the Scientology technology to recognise that we are living in an age of relative chaos in which misery is multiplying in an exponential sense. Newspapers and magazines are completely saturated with it to such a degree that the public accepts it without comment. It has become an accepted thing. No one has, or very few people, seek to do much about these conditions.

The next underlying tenet, or element, or background idea that one must be aware of in addressing Scientology technology is civilisations in themselves destroy themselves. Despite all their great benefits, they are inadequate. Civilisations coincident with other civilisations struggle and destroy each other. They communicate at a bullet level in war. Our present civilisation, as it stands now, is declining towards more chaos, and has an economic system that is declining faster than society, and has an inadequate education system which promotes mechanical duplication and robotism instead of certainty and/or judgement. Present society is characterised by sciences that classify as their goal. Many of these sciences are non-heuristic, non-predictable and non-workable. Present society is also characterised by irresponsibility towards its fellows. There is a breakdown in the traditional values and value systems. There is a breakdown in natural values and natural value systems.

The public media, that is, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and movies continually promote the commodity of chaos and people continue to buy it. Look at the news-stands and you get an impression of where the world is headed. Whether this is actually true or not is another subject. People buy chaos, believe in chaos and as a result (to a degree) live in chaos. This broad survey is made on a relatively pessimistic note (which is also a superficial note because progress and decline are both rather illusionary upon intense inspection). However, the point is made that society is in general in a down-trend and if the individual is to survive as an individual ones chances are reduced markedly by remaining in the bandwagon of society, playing out societies roles and the bandwagon apparently has no steering wheel. Thus, the conclusion can be drawn that there is more chaos coming and becoming aware of chaos is a higher state than pretending that it isn't there.

One has to recognise that it is there in order to help order it. So, in other words, if there is a snake in the road and you see it, you will walk around it instead of stepping on it. Chaos is similar to that. Civilisation is declining toward more chaos, unprediction, and uncontrol with the majority of individuals tagging along in total agreement with this decline and if you are in agreement with it you will decline with it and you will become what it is becoming. I would suspect that people have been talking about Doomsday since time immemorial and they have been in most instances wrong. However, cursory inspection of the present ratio of wisdom to power in society can be disturbing. So, in order to survive above and beyond the group level of a savage civilisation degrading towards extinction, one would have to become more aware than one presently is, at least more aware than society is, learn more than society has learned, know more than society knows, and be able to act faster than society can.

Furthermore, in order to avoid becoming an effect of an inadequate civilisation, a person must be able to predict that civilisation, in other words, to be able to see when, and where and how it is falling apart, at least enough to get oneself out of it in good condition. One should take care of oneself, then perhaps after one has taken care of oneself, he can do something about others and for society in general.

It is also part of the technology that one should recognise that we can do something about ourselves and others, particularly if we gain more knowledge and ability than we presently have. One can do a lot for oneself and others by raising ones ability to know and act. So, to increase ones ability to survive, one needs to increase ones knowledge and his overall ability level.

Scientology technology is based on these particular set of assumptions and therefore Scientology technology is a science of gradients or levels through which a person can increase his knowledge and ability. By knowing more, one can predict more; by being able to predict more, one can either control or avoid others control. By doing so one can win and by winning one attains some degree of self-satisfaction, happiness or growth.

So, Scientology technology could be summarised as a ladder out of human misery and the inadequacies of civilisation to greater states of awareness and understanding which hopefully would result in health, happiness and immortality.

The technology properly applied is a way of getting up and walking without stumbling down the road to truth.

There is an element within an individual called a subconscious mind, a reactive mind, which works on a stimulus-response basis. Another person says "So and so is stupid", or "I don't like his personality", or "Bill can't be reasoned with", or "So and so has no good intentions", or "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", or "You can't reason with the Russians". You are talking about minds in each of those cases.

The study of the mind is a highly relevant and important matter. Perception, understanding, taste and ability to act are all monitored by, and usually limited by, the mechanics of the mind. If the mind is so important, so basic to everyone's existence and activity, the question arises why don't we know enough about the mind to control and improve it? The answer to that question is that we don't know because we assume that someone else does.

People have a tendency to act like governments when there is something that needs to be known, instead of finding out about it, they study it and form committees.

People have agreed that there is a specialised field that has been set to study the mind, hence the existence of classification science known as psychology and psychiatry. Psychology is actually a set of theories towards handling neuroses and psychiatry is a science of doing something with the severely mentally ill. This is a pretty presumptuous line of attack. assuming we don't need to know about the mind because someone else does, but this assumption is prevalent and this assumption doesn't help us unless we investigate their field. Psychology and psychiatry are classification sciences and thus their workability, depth, and penetration are somewhat limited for they do not produce uniform, quick or remarkable results. Doubling a person's ability, income, or IQ is just not a commonplace occurrence. The reason for this is that they don't have enough scientific understanding, data and knowledge about the mind.

If a person can heal a man, or if one can get one who is thoroughly mixed up and feeling like they are at the bottom of the well into aligning his confusion, straightening his whole life up, then, you know something about the mind. If you can't heal and can't straighten people out then you don't know what is happening in the mind. So, our not-knowing about the human mind doesn't help us, we suffer as individuals because we do not know and the classification sciences in the subject of the human mind offer little but explanations of why they can't help.

There is a dangerous misconception that knowing about the mind is a dangerous thing. The fact is exactly opposite. One of the most dangerous things a person can do is not know about the mind, to simply not learn anymore about it than he already does know. Everyone does know something about the mind because one deals with them every day no matter what you do. If you don't learn about the mind, if you don't know about it, you will become an effect of it, your own and other peoples. So, if your life or yourself is controlled by your mind because you don't know about it, at the very least you could be described as being in a pickle. Not knowing, not handling the human mind brings about the precarious state of a Pandora's box of ills: drugs, alcohol, psychosomatic illness, excessive medication, justification, rationalisation and abandonment of purposes, or all the above would result in people having a mental framework within which they can't get better or change anything. This mental framework is called a "case" or a "bank".

After years of continued living at the effect of the subconscious (reactive) mind and other peoples' subconscious (reactive) minds, one attains a state of "being reasonable" about everything, calling the mess that he is in "living". Such individuals think that aberration and problems are "normal", unsolvable and make excuses for insanity's. A person even ends up making excuses for himself. Such a man has totally failed at his own goals. Not-knowing about the mind and being an effect of the mind will cause your demise. You will even die because of it. That is such an acceptable fact that it isn't even shocking. People say, so what. Death is a step up for them, they mistakenly think. The idea even filtered into Christianity.

Failed goals and frustration may be accepted as "normal", as average by the majority, but to accept life in this way, to "adjust to it all" is ignorance and apathy. This sort of attitude is what has gotten us into the marvellous position which we are presently in to be able to wipe ourselves (4.3 billion people) out in 30 - 40 minutes. The creation of that particular mechanic is just a minor example of what comes from peoples' not needing to know about the mind. This what comes from the assumption that people that study things know something about them. Society and science have reach a state of inadequacy in knowing about the mind.

Believe it or not, there are actually people out there walking around that have the idea that the mind is a hunk of meat in the skull of a meat-body. These peoples' notions of improvement is cutting pieces of it up with knifes, destroying parts of bodies. This type of biological work, biological assumption, in other words, of sawing the mind up, resides as part of the human body, is a very unscientific and amazing premise. I'm not just pointing out critical remarks here. I'm trying to say something. What I'm saying is that because of generally accepted lies about the mind, each individual is subject to the probability of further degradation and misery. So, we might as well get into the subject and look at it.

The mind is somewhat covered in a book entitled Dianetics. What we would genereally call the reactive mind is not you, is not the person. A person is not a mind, a person has a mind. A person can look at a mind and looking requires some type of distance. You are you, a mind is a mind.They are two different things. By believeing that you are a mind, by being a mind, instead of looking at one, you can get yourself into a fantastic amount of confusion and difficulty. By recognizing the difference between you and your mind, by looking at instead of being a reactive mind, you can increase your intelligence and ability to a heretofore undescribed and fantastic state.

The mind can be classified into three parts. The first would be the analytical mind which is the person, the individual, you, the awareness of areness unit. It receives and retains experience data to compose and resolve problems and directs the organism along the ares of survival. It has differentiational abilities and can think in similarities. It solves problems not by facsimilies, for instance, mental image pictures in total, but by present time perception also.

The second part could be called the reactive mind. It is that portion of the mind which files and retains physical pain, painful emotion, counter-emotion, counter-effort and counter-thought and aesthetics. It seeks to direct the organism solely on a stimulus-repsonse basis by using the above type facsimile and/or other mental masses to survive with and to align data. It thinks only in identities; it has little to no differentiational ability.

The third part would be the somatic mind. It is that portion of the mind which, directed by the analytical mind or the reactive mind, places solutions into effect on the physical level within the body (heartbeat, metabolism, etc.).

To simplify, the first part is you and differentiates data easily, the analytical mind. The reactive mind is a stimulus-response mechanism that thinks only in identities, it can only associate. It has been called "the subconscious". This is the mind that reduces one's ability and makes one act irrationally. Number three is the somatic mind that regulates the body and motor functions.

In Scientology, one becomes less and less an effect of the confusions of the reactive mind by first, learning and understanding the composition of the reactive mind, second by learning how to handle his own reactive mind and the reactive minds of other people, third by disconnecting himself from it and temporarily moving himself away from it (releasing), and fourthly, by erasing the reactive mind totally (clearing). Doing this raises the awareness and ability of the individual to a state previously unattainable, a state difficult to describe or even imagine because of the immense quality of subjective personal freedom, perception enlightenment and happiness. The state of Free Being that poets and prophets glimpse is a very poor comparison. Scientology defines this state crudely as that of the state of Clear when one has been cleared of his previous misconceptions and no longer uses yesterday's answers to solve today's problems.

Theoretically, a person that was Clear would not miscompute.

A Release is a person who is temporarily Clear. This state is quite temporal. Most people hit this state of Release for a few seconds when they cognite, in other words, regain an awareness that they previously had. This happens at least once a week on people. On people that are in good shape, it is happening hourly. On Clears it is happening each second. Words such as inspiration, vision describe the clarity of awareness at this level of freedom.

To get a closer look at these states by doing the first step, let's get a good idea of what a reactive mind is made up of, how it operates and how it affects us.

So, let's review the definition. It is the part of the mind which files and retains physical pain and painful emotion. So, this thing files facsimiles (mental-image pictures containing all perceptics and considerations) of As incidents containing pain, physical, emotional and spiritual. All "traumatic" incidents are filed by the perceptions of the incident (sight, hearing, motion, whatever), phrases in the incident, and considerations about the incident.

Example: baby on a blue blanket is approached by a roach and bitten. Mother yells, "Oh God, a bug! a roach! See what happens when we live in this cheap place!"
This incident is filed in the reactive mind of the child. The child's emotion during the incident is fear, he wanted to communicate "Help!...help me somebody!", the date was 1950, August 10th for the incident.

So, the incident is filed:

By time: August l0, 1950
By emotion: Fear
By consideration: "Help!...help me somebody!"
By visio: Blue blanket, roach, the room, mother
By phrase: "Oh God!", "a bug!", "a roach", "See what happens", "We live", "When we live", and "This cheap place".

All incidents that are filed by the reactive mind are retained. The physical pain and painful emotion is retained in the reactive mind by the use of facsimiles, that is, mental image pictures. Examination and activation of the August 10, 1950 facsimile ten years later will make the young man feel exactly the same emotional and physical pain. The reactive mind is made up of facsimiles containing pain and counter-emotion, counter effort, and counter-thought. Counter-emotion could be defined as any emotion that the individual has not yet taken responsibility for or for which he has given up responsibility. Counter-effort is any force for which the individual has not yet taken responsibility for or for which he has given up responsibility. Counter-thought is any thought for which the individual has not taken responsibility for or for which he has given up responsibility. This means that anything that occurs to an individual for which he does not take responsibility for, that is , he does not exercise his ability to be cause and confront it, in the form of the emotion, effort or thought is filed and retained by the reactive mind.

"It seeks to direct the organism on a stimulus-response basis..." When something in the present-time environment approximates an incident of pain in the past, the exact solutions, emotions and considerations in the past incident will be forced on the individual for him to execute in present- time. Traumatic incident "A" is solved by solution "B". From then on difficulties similar to incident "A" will cause the reactive mind to dictate to the person that "B" is the answer to the problem.

(1) The degree of similarity of the two incidents, (2) the amount of pain in the original incident "A", and (3) the strength of the individual in present-time will determine the amount of effect this phenomenon has on the person's behaviour in the present situation. This bringing up of old solutions and emotions to current situations by the reactive mind is called restimulation. It may be so mild that you do not notice it and simply smile and continue watching the movie or so powerful that you become permanently stuck in one incident. We call people in such a state psychotics.

"By using the above type facsimiles to survive with and to align data." The reactive mind works solely on a stimulus-response basis by using these mental-image pictures of past incidents of pain and irresponsibility for the purpose of increasing its survival and aligning data in confusions.

"It thinks only in identities." Everything is equal in the reactive mind. It actually doesn't even "think", it only identifies and associates; it doesn't decide, it only re-acts.

"It has ... no differentiational ability." It can't see differences. It can't discriminate. It can't separate. -Woman in the reactive mind can be restimulated by any woman in life. -See in the reactive mind can be restimulated by the ocean. An incident with a girl friend may be restimulated by a sergeant's phrase. It has no differentiational ability.

The Axioms: The Axioms of Scientology are definite, precise axioms which Life follows in the material universe. There are very close to an absolute, "practically absolute". The first two axioms are very close to an absolute, the remaining 56 axioms are those which apply to Life as it exists in this physical universe. So, the Axioms of Scientology are the rules of life that we all live by, that all life plays by. Not only are they self evident, they are all, each and every one, scientifically provable.

The first one states that Life is basically a static. A Life static has no mass, no motion, no wavelength, no location in space or time. It has the ability to postulate and to perceive. This is a definition of what something isn't doing, isn't being and isn't having. Second: The Static is capable of considerations, postulates and opinions - second axiom. Third axiom: Space, energy, objects, form and time are the results of considerations made and/or agreed upon or not by the static and are perceived solely because the static considers that it can perceive them.

Axiom 4 - Space is a viewpoint of dimension.
Axiom 5 - Energy consists of postulated particles in space.
Axiom 6 - Objects consist of grouped particles and solids.
Axiom 7 - Time is basically a postulate that space and particles will persist.
Axiom 8 - The apparency of time is the change of position of particles in space.
Axiom 9 - Change is the primary manifestation of time.
Axiom 10- The highest purpose in this universe is the creation of an effect.
Axiom 11- The considerations resulting in conditions of existence are four-fold.
(a) AS-IS-NESS is the condition of immediate creation without persistence, and is the condition of existence which exists at the moment of creation and the moment of destruction, and is different from other considerations in that it does not contain survival.
(b) ALTER-IS-NESS is the consideration which introduces change and therefore, time and
(b) ALTER-IS-NESS is the consideration which introduces change and therefore, time and persistence into an AS-IS NESS to obtain persistency.
(c) IS-NESS is an apparency of existence brought about by the continuous alteration of an AS-IS-NESS. This is called, when agreed upon, Reality.
(d) NOT-IS-NESS is the effort to handle IS-NESS by reducing its condition through the use of force. It is an apparency and cannot entirely vanquish an IS-NESS.
Axiom 12- The primary condition of any universe is that two spaces, energies or objects must not occupy the same space, when this condition is violated, a perfect duplicate, the apparency of any universe or any part thereof is nulled.
Axiom 13- The cycle of action of the physical universe IS; create, survive (persist), destroy.
Axiom 14- Survival is accomplished by ALTER-IS-NESS and NOT-IS - NESS, by which is gained the persistency known as time.
Axiom 15- Creation is accomplished by the postulation of an AS-IS NESS.
Axiom 16- Complete destruction is accomplished by the postulation of the AS-IS-NESS of any existence and the parts thereof.
Axiom 17- The static, having postulated AS-IS-NESS, then practices ALTER- IS-NESS, and so achieves the apparency of IS-NESS and so obtains Reality.
Axiom 18- The static, in practising NOT-IS-NESS, brings about the persistence of unwanted existence's, and so brings about unreality, which includes forgetfulness, unconsciousness and other undesirable states.
Axiom 19- Bringing the static to view, AS-IS, any condition devaluates that condition.
Axiom 20- Bringing the static to create a perfect duplicate causes the vanishment of any existence or part thereof. A perfect duplicate is an additional creation of the object, its energy and space, in its own space, in its own time, using its own energy. This violates the condition that two objects must not occupy the same space, and causes a vanishment of the object.
Axiom 21- Understanding is composed of affinity, reality and communication. (Abbreviated ARC.)
Axiom 22- The practice of NOT-IS-NESS reduces understanding.
Axiom 23- The static has the capability of total knowingness. Total knowingness would consist of total ARC.
Axiom 24- Total ARC would bring about the vanishment of all mechanical conditions of existence.
Axiom 25- Affinity is a scale of attitudes which falls away from the co existence of static, through the interposition's of distance and energy, to create identity, down to close proximity but mystery. By practice of IS-NESS (Beingness) and NOT-IS NESS (refusal to Be) individuation progresses from the Knowingness of complete identification down through the introduction of more and more distance and less and less duplication, through Lookingness, Emotingness, Effortingness, Thinkingness, Symbolizingness, Eatingness, Sexingness and so through to Not-Knowingness (Mystery). Until the point of Mystery is reached, some communication is possible, but even at Mystery an attempt to communicate continues. Here we have, in the case of an individual, a gradual falling away from the belief that one can assume a complete Affinity down to the conviction that all is a complete Mystery. Any individual is somewhere on this Know to-Mystery scale. The original Chart of Human Evaluation was the Emotion section of this scale.
Axiom 26- Reality is the agreed-upon apparency of existence.
Axiom 27- An actuality can exist for one individually, but when it is agree with by others, it can then be said to be a Reality. The anatomy of Reality is contained in IS-NESS, which is composed of AS-IS- NESS and ALTER-IS-NESS. IS-NESS is an apparency, it is not an Actuality. The Actuality is AS-IS NESS altered so as to obtain a persistency. Unreality is the consequence and apparency of the practice of NOT-IS-NESS.
Axiom 28- Communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source- point across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt- point a duplication of that which emanated from the source- point. The formula of Communication is: Cause, Distance, Effect, with Attention and Duplication. The component parts of Communication are Consideration, Intention, Attention, Cause, Source-point, Distance, Effect, Receipt-point, Duplication, the Velocity of the impulse or particle, Nothingness or Somethingness. A non communication consists of Barriers. Barriers consist of Space, Interposition's (such as walls and screens of fast- moving particles), and Time. A communication, by definition, does not need to be two-way. When a communication is returned, the formula is repeated, with the receipt-point now becoming a source-point and the former source- point now becoming a receipt-point.
Axiom 29- In order to cause an AS-IS-NESS to persist, one must assign other authorship to the creation than his own. Otherwise his view of it would cause its vanishment. Any space, energy, form, object, individual or physical universe condition can exist only when an alteration has occurred of the original AS IS-NESS so as to prevent a casual view from vanishing it. In other words, anything which is persisting must contain a -lie so that the original consideration is not completely duplicated.
Axiom 30- The general rule of auditing is that anything which is unwanted and yet persists must be thoroughly viewed, at which time it will vanish. If only partially viewed, its intensity, at least will decrease.
Axiom 31- Goodness and Badness, Beautifulness and Ugliness, are alike considerations and have no other basis than opinion.
Axiom 32- Anything which is not directly observed tends to persist.
Axiom 33- Any AS-IS-NESS which is altered by NOT-IS-NESS (by force) tends to persist.
Axiom 34- Any IS-NESS, when altered by force, tends to persist.
Axiom 35- The ultimate truth is a static. A static has no mass, meaning, mobility, no wave-length, no time, no location in space, no space. This has the technical name of "Basic Truth".
Axiom 36- A lie is a second postulate, statement or condition designed to mask a primary postulate which is permitted to remain. Neither truth nor a lie is a motion or alteration of a particle from one position to another. A lie is a statement that a particle having moved did not move, or a statement that a particle, not having moved, did move. The basic lie is that a consideration which was made was not made or that it was different.
Axiom 37- When a primary consideration is altered but still exists, persistence is achieved for the altering consideration. All persistence depends on the Basic Truth, but the persistence is of the altering consideration, for the Basic Truth has neither persistence nor impersistence.
Axiom 38- 1. Stupidity is the unknowness of consideration.
2. Mechanical Definition: Stupidity is unknowness of time, place, form and event.
1. Truth is the exact consideration.
2. Truth is the exact time, place, form and event. Thus, we see that failure to discover Truth brings about stupidity. Thus, we see that the discovery of Truth would bring about an AS-IS-NESS by actual experiment. Thus, we see that an ultimate truth would have no time, place, form or event. Thus, then, we perceive that we can achieve a persistence only when we mask a truth. Lying is an alteration on time, place, form or event. Lying becomes ALER-IS-NESS, becomes Stupidity. (The blackness of cases is an accumulation of the case's own or another's lies.) Anything which persists must avoid AS-IS NESS. Thus, anything, to persist, must contain a lie.
Axiom 39- Life poses problems for its own solution.
Axiom 40- Any problem, to be a problem, must contain a lie, if it were truth, it would unmock.
An "unsolvable problem" would have the greatest persistence. It would also contain the greatest number of altered facts. To make a problem, one must introduce ALTER-IS-NESS.
Axiom 41- That into which ALTER-IS-NESS is introduced becomes a problem.
Axiom 42- MEST (matter, energy, space, time) persists because it is a problem.
It is a problem because it contains ALTER-IS-NESS.
Axiom 43- Time is the primary source of untruth.
Time states the untruth of consecutive considerations.
Axiom 44- Theta ( the static) has no location in matter, energy, space or time. It is capable of consideration.
Axiom 45- Theta can consider itself to be placed, at which moment it becomes placed, and to that degree a problem.
Axiom 46- Theta can become a problem by its considerations, but then becomes MEST. A problem is to some degree MEST. MEST is a problem.
Axiom 47- Theta can resolve problems.
Axiom 48- Life is a game wherein theta as the static solves the problems of theta as MEST.
Axiom 49- To solve any problem it is only necessary to become theta, the solver, rather than theta, the problem.
Axiom 50- Theta as MEST must contain considerations which are lies.
Axiom 51- Postulates and live communication not being MEST and being senior to MEST can accomplish change in MEST without bringing about a persistence of MEST. Thus, auditing can occur.
Axiom 52- MEST persists and solidifies to the degree that it is not granted life.
Axiom 53- A stable datum is necessary to the alignment of data.
Axiom 54- A tolerance of confusion and an agreed-upon stable datum on which to align the data in a confusion are at once necessary for a sane reaction on the eight dynamics. This defines sanity.
Axiom 55- The cycle of action is a consideration. Create, survive, destroy, the cycle of action accepted by the G.E. (the genetic entity) is only a consideration which can be changed by the thetan making a new consideration or different action cycles.
Axiom 56- Theta brings order to chaos.
Corollary: Chaos brings disorder to theta.
Axiom 57- Order manifests when communication, control and havingness are available to theta.
Communication: the interchange of ideas across space.
Control: positive postulating, which is intention, and the execution thereof.
Havingness: that which permits the experience of mass and pressure.
Axiom 58- Intelligence and judgement are measured by the ability to evaluate relative importance's.
Corollary: the ability to evaluate importance's and unimportance's is the highest faculty of logic.
Corollary: identification is a monotone assignment of importance.
Corollary: identification is the inability to evaluate differences in time, location, form, composition or importance.

The majority of these axioms are correct. It is good to know them; they are a crucial part of the technology. The majority of the Logic's and Pre Logic's are incorrect.

Although I will be coming back to the Axioms later, correcting them, it is good to go ahead and learn them as they are. They certainly provide ample opportunity for a lot of thought.

The next thing we should take up are the Factors. The Factors are a descriptive statement of the creation of the physical universe and the creation and existence of individual universes. In some instances, they conflict with the Axioms, but the majority of them are true.

The Factors are:

1. Before the beginning was a Cause and the entire purpose of the Cause was the creation of effect.
2. In the beginning and forever is the decision and the decision is TO BE.
3. The first action of beingness is to assume a viewpoint
4. The second action of beingness is to extend from the viewpoint, points to view, which are dimension points.
5. Thus, there is space created, for the definition of space is: viewpoint of dimension. And the purpose of a dimension point is space and a point to view.
6. The action of a dimension point is reaching and with-drawing.
7. And from the viewpoint to the dimension points there are connection and interchange. Thus, new dimension points are made. Thus, there is communication.
8. And thus, there is light.
9. And thus, there is energy.
10. And thus, there is life.
11. But there are other viewpoints and these viewpoints out-thrust points to view. And there comes about an interchange amongst viewpoints; but the interchange is never otherwise than in terms of exchanging dimension points.
12. The dimension point can be moved by the viewpoint, for the viewpoint, in addition to creative ability and consideration, possesses volition and potential independence of action; and the viewpoint, viewing dimension points, can change in relation to its own or other dimension points or viewpoints. Thus, comes about all the fundamentals there are to motion.
13. The dimension points are each and every one, whether large or small, solid. And they are solid solely because the viewpoints say they are solid.
14. Many dimension points combine into larger gases, fluids or solids. Thus, there is matter. But the most valued point is admiration, and admiration is so strong its absence alone permits persistence.
15. The dimension point can be different from other dimension points and thus can possess an individual quality. And many dimension points can possess a similar quality, and others can possess a similar quality unto themselves. Thus, comes about the quality of classes of matter.
16. The viewpoint can combine dimension points into forms and the forms can be simple or complex and can be at different distances from the viewpoints and so there can be combinations of form. And the forms are capable of motion and the viewpoints are capable of motion and so there can be motion of form.
17. And the opinion of the viewpoint regulates the consideration of the forms, their stillness or their motion, and these considerations consist of assignment of beauty or ugliness to the forms and these considerations alone are art.
18. It is the opinion of the viewpoints that some of these forms should endure. Thus, there is survival.
19. And the viewpoint can never perish; but the form can perish.
20. And the many viewpoints, interacting, become dependent upon one another's forms and do not choose to distinguish completely the ownership of dimension points and so comes about a dependency upon the dimension points and upon the other viewpoints.
21. From this comes a consistency of viewpoint of the inter-action of dimension points and this, regulated, is TIME.
22. And there are universes.
23. The universes, then, are three in number: the universe created by one viewpoint, the universe created by every other viewpoint, the universe created by the mutual action of viewpoints which is agreed to be upheld - the physical universe.
24. And the viewpoints are never seen. And the viewpoints consider more and more that the dimension points are valuable, And the viewpoints try to become the anchor points and forget that they can create more points and space and forms. Thus, comes about scarcity. And the dimension points can perish and so the viewpoints assume that they, too, can perish.
25. Thus, comes about death.
26. The manifestation of pleasure and pain, of thought, emotion and effort, of thinking, of sensation, of affinity, reality, communication, of behaviour and being are thus derived and the riddles of our universe are apparently contained and answered herein.
27. There is beingness, but Man believes there is only becomingness.
28. The resolution of any problem posed hereby is the establishment of viewpoints and dimension points, the betterment of condition and concourse amongst dimension points, and, thereby, viewpoints, and the remedy of abundance of scarcity in all things, pleasant or ugly, by the rehabilitation of the ability of the viewpoint to assume points to view and create and uncreate, neglect, start, change and stop dimension points of any kind at the determinism of the viewpoint. Certainty in all three universes must be regained, for certainty, not data, is knowledge.
29. In the opinion of the viewpoint, any beingness, any thing is better than no thing, any effect is better than no effect, any universe better than no universe, any particle better than no particle, but the particle of admiration is best of all.
30. And above these things there might be speculation only. And below these things there is the playing of the game. But these things which are written here Man can experience and know. And some may care to teach these things and some may desire to employ them to make individuals and organisations more able and so give to Earth a culture of which we can be proud.

There are a number of errors throughout the particular Factors I will take up at another time, but likewise with the Axioms, it is good that this information be understood. It is inherently a part of applying the technology of Scientology. If you have great difficulty with #29 and #30, you don't have to push yourself over the edge because they are both quite ludicrous and highly incorrect.

Next, I'd like to take up the Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels of Scientology. There is a minus scale that a number of people are on. As far as what is published, it goes down to -34 levels. There are 13 lower ones. So, we will take it from the bottom.

Levels of Awareness

-48 Awareness of religion
-47 Awareness of evil
-46 Awareness of survival
-45 Awareness of money
-44 Awareness of groups
-43 Awareness of things
-42 Awareness of people
-41 Awareness of ideas
-40 Awareness of self
-39 Awareness of love
-38 Awareness of fortune
-37 Awareness of luck
-36 Awareness of fate or destiny
-35 Awareness of chance

Those were not published or/and perhaps not known, though I doubt it, by Scientologists. I might add that reason- for them not publishing them: There is a remark made on a tape that there are probably a dozen lower levels, and (probably the reason is obvious)that these were not published was because they are certainly not going to flatter people to indicate that these awarenesses which the majority of people are walking around in, are junior to most things that people consider bad. People have these things backward, which makes these lower awarenesses look like North when actually they are very South. This is a problem caused by harmonics, where something gets dense and then lighter, dense and then lighter, a person's general direction can get confused and therefore, these bottom awareness levels, people seek them as the greatest thing going and they actually think that that is what is going on and it isn't. -34 is Unexistence. A person would have to be aware of not even existing at all to fall into those lower awarenesses.- They would have to be aware of other non existence. This is supposedly a very low state according to Scientologists, however, it is a very high state for most individuals. Anyway, let us continue with the minus awareness scale:

-34 Unexistence
-19 Detachment
-33 Disconnection
-18 Oblivion
-32 Uncausing
-17 Catatonia
-31 Criminality
-16 Shock
-30 Disassociation
-15 Hysteria
-29 Dispersal
-14 Delusion
-28 Erosion
-13 Inactuality
-27 Fixidity
-12 Disaster
-26 Glee
-11 Introversion
-25 Elation
-10 Numbness
-24 Masochism
- 9 Suffering
-23 Sadism
- 8 Despair
-22 Hallucination
- 7 Ruin
-21 Secrecy
- 6 Effect
-20 Duality
- 5 Fear of Worsening

We have now covered the minus awareness levels and that is where 96% of humanity is. On only 4% of humanity will we find in the remaining higher states of awareness. People can be talked with back and forth and moved up and down this scale, you can also erase engrams off of people and move them up these scales. An engram is a mental image picture of a previous moment of pain and unconsciousness. I will be describing and defining each of these lower minus awareness scales later in this book with each of them having the unusual ingredient of being able to define each one in terms of power, in other words, power and awareness are synonymous in the English language. All wisdom has been very cleverly cluttered into language itself so that the wisdom would not be lost within the cross definition of words. Proceeding up the scale:

- 4 Need of Change

In a recent survey (1980), Forbes magazine found that 3 of the people in American want change. 97% don't.

- 3 Demand for Improvement 
                           - 2 Hope

I must pause here to remark that this has to be the most prevalently marketed and clever traps around. Hope is a substitute for knowing anything, or understanding anything. There are a lot of people just hoping. One should understand as far as an overall category of awareness that that is what I'm talking about when I say 96% of the people are on the minus scale. A person can be higher or lower than their overall condition or position on various subjects, like a person could be in hope on the economy and yet his overall viewpoint on life would be elation. This would be your happy individual. So, just because you see a lot of hope going on certain selected areas doesn't mean that a person is aware of hope.

- 1 Help

And that completes what I would call the Human Range. On these lower four levels of awareness you can apply Scientology immediately. If they are lower than - 4 Need of Change, you can bring a person up to that occasionally with group processing in Scientology. If Need of Change, you start by repairing a persons life using what is known as a Prep Check. It is a list of buttons (questions) which you clean off (get all answers to) and this cleans off a person's upsets by restoring cyclic communication, cyclic affinity, cyclic reality and cyclic understanding. These cycles have broken down and the vitality of an individual has not been restored after a loss or an upset. In doing a Life Repair you fix all these up and a person can attain the state of Demand for Improvement. Through Recall Processes you can restore Hope, through the use of Dianetics you can bring a person up to being aware of Help and that would complete your Dianetic range.

On Grade 0, Communication Release, the awareness level of Recognition is attained.

On Grade I, after the problems of an individual, not only the ones he is aware of, but the ones he isn't aware of, have all been eradicated, he is aware of communication and perception.

After a person's mishaps at being cause or effect are clarified on Grade II, then a person attains the state of Orientation, Understanding and Enlightenment.

On Grade III, where you are cleaning up major upsets on changes and the subject of change itself, a person becomes aware of Energy, Adjustment, their body, space, their connection with the physical universe.

The awareness levels of Prediction, Activity and Production are clarified on Grade IV where Service Facsimiles (which are people's attempts to make other people wrong and whatever type fixed habit patterns they have there) are eradicated.

The next levels of awareness are Result, Correction and Ability. These are obtainable through the use of Expanded Dianetics which is specialised processing where the evil impulses of an individual are erased.

The next levels of awareness are Purposes, Clearing and Realisation which are attained on Power Processing.

Awareness of Conditions is the next one which occurs. That can occur on Power Plus or before, also known as VA.

Through the use of Grade VI on which auditing of timeless, installed habit patterns and urges within the individual are addressed, a person becomes aware of their whole track, that is, their personal recordings of their experiences through time, all of it. That may or may not bring about the 20th level of awareness which is Existence. If it doesn't, the Clearing Course will. Normally the correct Clearing Course erases the fundamental core of the Reactive Mind, which is certainly not pictures. It floats timeless for the being.

The published materials which are supposedly confidential of the Church of Scientology in this area are incorrect and are unfortunately just an average of what 42 people found on a research project from September 3rd, 1965 through February 2nd, 1966. Hubbard asserted that he was already Clear and he didn't go through this particular type of programming, when he actually did. Those people all came up with different material, I personally made four different suggestions at the time which were verified by the people researching the Clearing Course. I just finally gave up contributing to the research because the materials appeared to be in such poor order. None of the 42 had decent recall or scientific research data that they were working out of. I suppose the final sentence in this matter is that the earlier beginning to the materials only exists in Hubbard's personal private safe. So, anyway, if the correct materials were ever issued and published properly, they would produce a State of Existence for one as an operating being.

No one has ever tried that within the Church. Of course, I have tried it dozens of times on dozens of people. It works quite well. If you issue the proper materials, people attain the proper state.

Anyway, a person becomes aware of Existence after that and goes on and does what is known as OT I which brings a person back into communication with the environment. They become aware of themselves as a source-point as an individual, not so much a point, but more an origin of life and themselves.

On OT II one attains the ability to confront the whole track, likewise these materials are incorrect as published by the Church. The proper materials not only produce the ability to confront the whole track but also the ability to perceive the entire whole track. So, OT II properly done, a person produces immaculate recall and perception.

If the 21st level of awareness of Source isn't evident at that point then it will come in at OT III where there is a return of full self-determinism and freedom from overwhelm. As in the Clearing Course and OT II, on OT III the earlier beginning to this particular set of materials, the later ending and the dates are incorrect. However, the majority of it as published by the Church is correct.

OT IV doesn't produce any different awareness other than certainty of self as a being which is a higher awareness state.

OT V creates a refamiliarity of a thetan distinctly separate from the physical universe.

OT VI extends a person's ability to move out of their body and travel freely with some degree of perception throughout the physical universe and it extends their ability to influence other individuals and the universe of other individuals and extends their ability to cause effects in the physical universe.

On OT VII a person becomes aware of Power, that's an awareness level, and of freedom. It rehabilitates a person's ability to project intention.

At OT VIII Freedom is the awareness level, here a person's ability to be cause knowingly over thought, life, form, matter, energy, space and time on a subjective and objective, also other people's subjective, basis is what is achieved there. The Church doesn't sell OT VIII or market it. There is little to no research or paperwork, even in the files of L. Ron Hubbard on this level. The freedom from the inability to be totally free and at total cause as a being gets handled on this level.

This particular set of materials has been worked out, tested, and proved. It is no part of the existing Church but I suppose the whole subject of Scientology, is no part of the Church.

The two (Scientology and the Church) are not only incompatible but are at very cross purposes with each other, to say the least.

So, that is overall the awareness characteristics, the levels on what is known as the Grade Chart of Scientology.

The next thing I'd like to take up is a broad subject called understanding. I'm covering a lot of philosophy while explaining the technology of Scientology and I have to do that because there is a fundamental amount of philosophy involved with this technology. One needs to know it or one cannot apply the technology. There is a separate, short chapter in this book on philosophy.

People are as happy and successful as they are able to communicate and understand. People seek understanding, nations seek understanding. People seek understanding, nations seek understanding. Understanding is the process and action and goal which life is engaged upon and striving towards. Understanding something well, means that you can predict it, and being able to predict it, you can control it, and being able to control it, you can either reduce or increase its effect on you, as you so desire. Thus, the more understanding you have, the more predictable your life will be, the more free you will be to live and win.

Problems are made up of confusions, unprediction and unawareness. Understanding reduces confusion, increases prediction and awareness. By understanding a person has fewer problems and a better life, by increasing ones understanding one should have a proportional reduction of problems and a proportional increase in living, or livingness, if you will.

If you understand everything about a problem it is not a problem. Every problem contains elements that are not understood. Any problem can be solved by locating and understanding these elements which were not previously understood.

The Reactive Mind lowers ones ability to live because it lowers ones understanding.

Understanding is made up of three things: Affinity, Reality and Communication.

Affinity is a consideration of distance. High affinity is closeness; low affinity is greater distance. "Love" could be described as high affinity; "hate" is the desire for less affinity. Affinity is a gradient (relative) quantity. The greatest affinity would be beingness where there would be no distance between the two terminals. The introduction of more and more distance would decrease affinity more and more. So, two dots close together (._.) would be high affinity; two dots farther apart (._____.) would be lower affinity. So, the closer you are, to whatever you want to understand, whether it be a person, problem or thing, the greater your understanding will be. This is covered with much more precision in Axiom 25. The closer you are, the more willing you are to be near to something, then the greater your understanding will be; conversely, the farther you are from it, the less you will understand it. People are quite aware of the affinity that others extend towards them.

Reality: People have been going off the deep end about this for thousands of years by rigidly trying to find out about everything. I'd like to just treat it in a light way, at this time. Reality is basically agreement. If you can agree with that which you seek to understand, then your understanding will increase. It might worth noting here that all a case is is disagreements, in other words, all a Reactive Mind is, is a person's disagreements.

This third part is Communication. Communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source point across a distance to a receipt point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt point a duplication of that which emanated from the source point. This is covered in greater detail in Axiom 28. That is the mechanical communication formula. Communication can exist senior to mechanics and certainly does. In life, communication has been described as a universal solvent. The most effective communication is that communication which is best duplicated.

These three components of understanding are abbreviated:

Affinity, Reality, Communication = ARC

Some people use the same amount of ARC for everything that they encounter in life. This is very ineffective. One should be able to change the amount and type of ARC that he uses to communicate with different people and things. Communicating with ones wife, boss, President or neighbour with the same amount of ARC is disastrously ineffective. One should be able to vary the amount of ARC one uses in each individual life situation in order to best understand that situation.

When there is a sudden drop in ARC, known as an ARC Break, it can be remedied by putting A and R back in. Increasing two of these components brings back up the third. Example: there is an argument and a sudden drop in ARC. This can be patched up by talking (communicating) about an agreeable subject (the weather, movies) with an expression of a little affinity. Of the three, communication is the most important, in that, it is the doingness, the activity part.

A person is to some degree in Affinity, Reality and Communication with his body, his mind, the physical universe, himself and other beings.

What is a man? A man is composed of three parts: a body, a mind and a soul. The body is a carbon-oxygen machine which the person uses to communicate and perceive from and with.

The mind is a physical thing located in matter, energy, space and time which contains electrical masses of energy and significance's.

The soul is the person, the individual, that which decides, is aware, perceives and feels. A person doesn't have a soul, he is the soul, People who say that they "have a soul", or refer to "their soul" should generally be asked, "ho are you?"

The 8 Dynamics: The goal of all life is survival and the individual is to some degree surviving in all the areas of existence. The areas in which each individual is seeking to survive, to some degree, are known as the Dynamics, which are defined as urges towards which one is striving.

1. Self 
                           2. Sex, family 
                           3. Groups 
                           4. Mankind 
                           5. All life forms 
                           6. The physical universe 
                           7. Thought 
                           8. God, Infinity, Supreme Being

Other dynamics are listed in the Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary and then there are upper dynamics that are far senior to anything listed here, they will be covered later in this book.

Everyone is to some degree surviving on all of these 8 dynamics. A person's condition can be measured by the number of dynamics he is surviving on. A person who can be cause over and handle the 1st dynamic, can move on to the second and be successful at it, and can then, one by one, go up to #8.

If one does not follow this ladder of expanding spheres of causation, one will have a much more difficult time of it and will probably fail. By skipping the first two dynamics and attempting to be cause over the third dynamic Communism has doomed itself to failure. Yogis, mystics and various Eastern religions by skipping the first six dynamics and trying to survive only on the 7th dynamic are on the whole quite unsuccessful. The better solution to any problem is that which will offer the most survival to the greatest number of dynamics. The best solution would offer infinite survival for all dynamics.

Severe failures on a dynamic lead to an inversion:

1. Failures on the 1st lead to extreme attention on the 8th. (The individual lives of religious fanatics are poor.)
2. Failures on the 2nd lead to extreme attention on the 7th. (Examine the sexual and family lives of artists and mystics.)
3. Failures on the 3rd lead to extreme attention on the 6th. (This is the one America is on. It wants lots of physical things - cars and so forth because of its inability to handle groups. Not only other countries, but also groups within the U.S. and U.S. itself as a group. So, all their attention goes on matter, energy, space and time, money. Note their inability to operate in a co-operative fashion.)
4. Failures on the 4th lead to extreme attention on the 5th. (Ask any extreme pet lover how they really feel about mankind and make sure when you do that you have a door close by, possibly a trash can, you may be needing both.)

Now, I would like to take up the Tone Scale. This is covered in great detail in 300,000 words in a book entitled Science of Survival by Mr. Hubbard.

The emotional Tone Scale, starting from the top, in the human range is:

4.0 Enthusiasm
                           3.0 Conservatism
                           2.5 Boredom
                           2.0 Antagonism

You could draw a line under these and in these ranges a person is more responsible, cause, winning, perceptive, happy and analytical. Now, under this line a person is irresponsible, effect, losing and reactive. The way that scale looks is:

1.8 Pain 
                           1.5 Anger 
                           1.1 Covert Hostility 
                           1.0 Fear 
                           .9 Sympathy 
                           .5 Grief 
                           .05 Apathy 
                           0.0 Death 

Emotions above 2.0 on the Tone Scale tend to increase and go up tone toward greater survival; those emotions below 2.0 tend to go down tone towards succumbing. Those above 2.0 are creative and further Life; those below are destructive and tend toward Death. So, they are both exponential in nature, or compounding in nature. Anything below this line is going to end up towards Death; anything 2.0 or above the line is going to end up enthusiastic.

Parts of the Tone Scale are characterised by a desire to change and others by a desire to maintain the status quo:

4.0 Stable 
                           3.5 Unstable 
                           3.0 Stable 
                           2.2 Unstable 
                           1.5 Stable 
                           1.1 Unstable 
                           .05 Stable

The Tone Scale measures relative degrees of survival.
The Tone Scale measures relative degrees of affinity.
The Tone Scale measures relative degrees of reality.
The Tone Scale measures relative degrees of communication.
The Tone Scale measures relative degrees of responsibility.

Ones general, overall position on the Tone Scale is not always fixed; it varies. Falling in love can put a person at 4.0; a death of someone close can put a person into .05, Apathy.

Ones tone can vary per dynamic or subject, in other words, a person could be at boredom on sex and anger on politics. People do go all over the Tone Scale depending on the subject, and their tone and mood at the time. To communicate effectively with a person and bring him up tone, one can assume a tone that is a tone above his position on the scale. You will be cause over that person. To communicate effectively and bring a person down the Tone Scale, one should assume a tone that is a tone below theirs. You will become effect of that person.

People go down the Tone Scale only because their higher toned communication was unsuccessful. It didn't get through, so they try lower and lower tones until their communications are acknowledged and produce a result. People of different tone levels that communicate at length (husband-wife, brother-sister) generally tend to equalise their differences in tone. An enthusiastic husband and an angry wife, after 20 years of marriage will both assume a tone of boredom.

By associating with higher tone people than oneself, one can raise ones tone; by associating with people of a lower tone than ones, one will bring oneself down the Tone Scale.

People usually have one basic emotion that they most commonly express. This is one way of placing a person on the Tone Scale. Possibly a better way is to put an individual under high stress, then you will find out what their true Tone Scale position is.

In society, the level of social machinery is usually very high on the Tone Scale, 4.0 - 3.0, but the people are actually much lower, usually below 2.0. Individuals above 2.0 on the Tone Scale are very responsible and at the very least, quite rare.

Perhaps a greater problem then position, being low on the Tone Scale, and being low on the Tone Scale is certainly a problem, is the tendency to become fixed at one position on the Tone Scale and becoming inflexible in adaptation to other tone levels when it would be advantageous to change tone. Being stuck at Enthusiasm is just as ineffective as being stuck at Apathy. Through Scientology technology a person can gain the freedom to use whatever the situation calls for, and thus ones overall tone does improve.

By locating a person's position on the Tone Scale, one can predict very accurately how that person will act.

The next area I'd like to go over is The Anatomy of Confusion.

Confusion is characterised by uncertainty, stupidity and insecurity. In this universe, confusion is random motion. A confusion is only a confusion as long as all the particles are in motion. A confusion is only a confusion so long as no factor is clearly defined and understood. By knowing the anatomy of confusions, one can decrease them, that is, become more intelligent. Education fails because of confusions. Behind every failure, there is a confusion that wasn't stood up to and taken apart.

In order to lower the confusion in the random motion of particles, one should select one particle from which to locate the motion of the other particles. A confusing motion can be understood by conceiving one thing to be motionless. If there are 10 phones ringing, pick one up and answer it. By selecting one datum, one factor, one particle in a confusion, the confusion continues but the thing selected becomes a stable datum for the remainder.

All confusions, no matter how big, are composed of data, factors, or particles. They do have pieces. Grasping one piece lowers the confusion level. Grasp one piece and locate it thoroughly. See how the other pieces function in relation to it until the confusion is solved in its entirety. The piece that you grasp becomes a certainty that is predict relation to it until the confusion is solved in its entirety. The piece that you grasp becomes a certainty that is predictable; the remainder is unpredictable, uncertain. The ordering of confusions is a process of picking one element of it and making that a predictable, stable thing that you know about and using this element of stability to stabilise the remaining random elements. The remaining elements are stabilised by observing their relationship to the first stable point.

Certainty could be defined as a lack of confusion.

Intelligence is the ability to handle a confusion.

Security is attained by bringing order to a confusion.

Instead of ordering confusions, some people depend on -luck, uncontrolled chance. Depending on luck is abandoning control, that's Apathy.

Because of the great quantity of uncertain, stupid control that is extant in society, some people are inclined to think that control is a bad thing. Control is not a bad thing. People that say that control is bad are saying that industrial, aeroplane and automobile accidents are good. Control is necessary if one is to bring order to confusions.

Good control is positive, certain, predictable; bad control is an attempt, but it is not really control - it is uncertain, unpredictable. One either controls things or one does not. One must be able to control things, his body, his mind, his thoughts to some degree in order to accomplish anything.

A confusion is an uncontrolled randomness. People who exert some control of that randomness handle confusions, instead of confusions handling them. People who do not exert control over confusions breed more confusions.

When one becomes master of confusions, ones attention is freed for constructive activity. When one is surrounded by confusions and does not handle them, he will develop a destructive attitude in living because of his desire to destroy the confusions around him.

Now I would like to discuss Stopping a Confusion.

Confusion is held ineffective with an ordering datum, that is, a Stable Datum. Examples are the dictionary, gravity, -me Tarzan, you Jane, and the rising and setting of the sun. One handles the confusion of standing in the rain with the stable datum of opening an umbrella, or of going inside, or with holding a newspaper over ones head, etc. There are many stable data. A stable datum is that which stops a confusion and solves a confusion.

Example: After an argument with his mother-in-law, a man is confused and stops his confusion with a stable datum, the decision that "mother's-in-law are evil". This, whether right or wrong, orders the confusion. When the man gets into trouble and a woman helps him out, then the original confusion returns to him because the stable datum has been shown to be invalid.
Example: After studying the data in universities for 10 years about the various problems of existence and the world and solving this confusion with the stable datum of "Nothing can be done about these things but study them and speculate", an educated person meets someone who is capable of understanding and action and he demonstrates that something can be done, thus the first man's stable datum that resolved his confusion is now shaken and he will feel confused by that person.

Seeing the falsity of a stable datum that was used in the past brings the confusion of the past up to present time.

One can have many friends by accepting and acknowledging their stable data; you lose friends by devaluating and not accepting their stable data; you loase friends by devaluating and not accepting their stable data. You can confuse and literally kill people by invalidating their major stable data - it will bring their big confusions up to present time upon them. The most decent, ethical thing one can do when people offer their stable data is to simply acknowledge them.

Stable data aren't necessarily true - they are simply adopted. When an old stable datum can be seen to be untrue and the old confusion comes up to the present, a new stable datum must be adopted, or the old stable datum will be put back in place.

Some stable data are more effective than others. Scientology technology itself is a somewhat effective stable datum for solving confusions about life.

I'd like to now take up Control.

An executive controls more than a workman; a wealthy man controls more than a poor man.

People who say that control is bad are saying that accidents are good.

People who try to control, don't control; attempted control is not control. One controls or one does not.

There is no such thing as bad control; one doesn't control but simply tries and then labels this "bad control".

The anatomy of control is Start, Change, and Stop. One must be able to do all three of these to control.

Life consists of Cycles of Action (Start, Change, Stop).

The apparent cycle of action for the Physical Universe is Create-Survive Destroy.

People in good condition do not resent good, positive control and can administer good, positive control to people and objects. People in poor condition resent casual directions, and are not able to handle people and objects. So, these people are inefficient and do have difficulty in life.

If you don't control a car, you will end up in a ditch. The ability to Start, Change and Stop ones body, ones activities and one environment - this is their ability to control.

If you don't control a machine, like getting angry, it controls you. Control over ones Reactive Mind would stop it from controlling you.

The ability to make stable data is the ability to stop; the ability to control is the ability to order confusion.

Incompetence and inefficiency are both the inability to start, change and stop things.

Some people are stuck in starting things. They do little, make lots of plans and talk enthusiastically about big schemes.

Some people are stuck in change. They must keep everything going. They do not like new ideas or new machinery.

Some people are stuck on stop and will try to stop everything.

Artists start things, which leads to a creative society.

Business people change things which leads to an enduring society.

Military and policemen stop things which leads to a destructive society.

The inability to control which results in confusion and insanity is contagious.

To be happy, one must be able to control his environment which includes the inability's of others.

Control is not the answer to everything. One needs barriers to have a game and to be happy.

One must not let his area of control extend beyond his own life too far; we must tend to our own house before tending others.

The willingness not to control is as important as control itself.

The next thing I'd like to discuss is Self-Determinism.

By learning and applying Scientology data and by using Scientology processes, a person raises his self-determinism, his ability to determine his own existence. Self-determinism is not selfish determinism for self determinism embraces responsibility. Self-determinism is the ability to play one side of a game, it is the ability to act and be cause. By becoming more self-determined, by running ones own life, one can achieve more of ones goals. Achievement can be translated into happiness.

Now I'd like to discuss Wins.

What is a win? A win is getting a goal and doing it.

If someone else gets your goals for you then you won't win much. You can do 10 times as much in an area that you like as you can in one which you dislike.

People who do not set goals cannot win, they do not have any future. Goals imply future time. No goals imply no future. People don't win because they do not set goals or they set unattainable goals giving themselves a loss.

To win, set a goal you can do and do it. Then, set a larger goal.

Society often "forces" one to set higher goals than he could naturally achieve. In order to "keep up" he attempts to do something he can't. This may be the agreed-upon-fact in society, but it is certainly not the way to win.

Winning requires: 1. Awareness and honesty about what you can do.
2. Awareness that it doesn't matter where you are on a gradient scale; it matter very much whether you are going up (winning) or going down (losing).
3. Setting goals you can achieve.
4. Achieving them.
5. Setting new goals. That is all there is to it.

Most people aren't up to this simplicity. Most people have -failed at some time in the past and have decided to quit and not set goals any more. Stuck back in that failure they -just exist without a future, spending the years in front of a TV set. Conservatively speaking, about 90% of the U.S. is in this condition.

I'd like to talk about Games next.

Games require barriers, freedoms and goals. They may require players or a player.

The game of Life uses the physical universe as a barrier. Matter is a barrier (walls, mountains). Energy is a barrier (electricity, explosions). Space is a barrier (a man in New York can't meet a man in California). Time is a barrier (one can't change yesterday or live tomorrow today).

Each person is in ARC with the physical universe. When he has an accident, that is a physical injury, his ARC with the physical universe drops. By getting the person into communication with the physical universe after he has been hurt, one can often turn the pain and the condition off significantly The best thing to do is to get the person into ARC with you. This is known as an Assist . Anyone can do them without needing to know how they work. I know a number of people who are critical and sceptical of Scientology, but whenever they have a headache turn on, they give themselves an Assist and they like that very much.

An assist takes a person's attention off the loss and puts it on a win.

People have too many barriers because they don't know enough. If they did know, they could predict and win. Here's what usually happens:

Person: ______?/lose
                           ______?/lose ______?/lose ______?/Decision to Quit. 
                           Time: ---------------------------------------------->

After enough losses a person will decide to quit his external game. Having quit playing an external game, what does he do? Every person has a level of game that he likes to play at - more game than this level will confuse him, less game than this level will cease to hold his interest. This is his level of randomity, the ratio of confusion to order. The ideal state would be to be able to adjust to any level of randomity, but most people, unfortunately, because they have Reactive Minds, are stuck at one level. To maintain this level after they have quit playing an external, objective game out in life, people will start an internal game, they will start to play a game with themselves.

There are many ways to play a game with oneself because one doesn't want to play or has decided not to play an external game. One can think, think, think; one can explore the realms of the imagination. One can wonder about the pact, one can think about ones friends; one can worry about the future, and so forth.

People that are highly introspective and "reasonable" have already failed in life. There is not enough randomity to hold their interest in the present or there is too much randomity for them to confront. So, they deny themselves from having any exterior game.

People don't allow themselves an external game because they can't have one. They have lost, they have hurt others. They know they will lose, that external games are too unpredictable, so they don't play them.

Where there are too many barriers, that is, too much challenge, too much unpredictability, too many losses, a person is then unable to have or even be.

How to have a game: One must be able to be before one can do before one can have.

Be, Do, Have. In that order.

People are thoroughly mixed up on this sequence. America by having things and doing things is trying to be something. That's backwards. "Playing the role" to learn something or be something, like going through the motions of a housewife in order to be one, is backwards. Acting beautiful, or glamorous, or charming won't make a person any of these things. Making love without being in love won't advance you towards love. That's backwards. The cycle for games is BE-DO-HAVE. Those are also the components of Experience, but that's not defined in Scientology, but I'll define it here. BE-DO-HAVE make up a triangle known as Experience.

This is a bit obvious that one would have to be before one could do, and then one would have to do in order to have. Scientology enables a person to be and increases his ability to do by raising his awareness and prediction. He is then able to have.

Play a game that you can be in, you can do in, so you can have in, in other words, pick an agreeable gradient where you can comfortably be on. If it is being 20 feet from the opposite sex, well fine, do that. Then try 19 feet. Give yourself wins, so you can have things that are predictable. Give yourself wins by picking predictable things. Gradiently increase your ability to have a game.

In society, unfortunately, people play unpredictable games "by ear", people try to find love by doing, people set high goals that they can't handle or have, and are unwilling to play a small game that they can have and handle. It is the idea that keeping up with the lavish, uncontrolled and overwhelmed Jones's is something important. In processing, a girl who had been sleeping with everyone in a frantic effort to "find love", discovered that her level of being, doing and having was that of a mild kiss - anything beyond that was beyond her having it. By playing a game she could have and increasing her game, she can now be and live. She isn't jumping gradients because of the Jones's. She is now satisfied and happy which is more than one can say for the Jones's that she was trying to imitate.

Next I'd like to talk about something that is grossly misunderstood inside and outside of Scientology, crudely called karma, and defined in Scientology as the Overt-Motivator Sequence.

Overt Act: An action or non-action that harms another dynamic and is - justified. Example: you hurt someone by hitting them because they hit you. Your hitting them is the overt act and the - because they hit you is the justification.
Motivator: (justification) An act received from any dynamic and considered harmful, and is a justifier to commit overt acts.

Man is basically good. When he harms another, he cuts down his own survival because of this. If you commit overt acts, that is, hurt other people, then they will hurt you. Kids actually do this. After Bill has hit Tom, he holds out his hand and asks Tom to hit him back so everything will be all right.

Why do we hurt other people and what happens when we do?

Here's the sequence:

1. Confusion
2. Overt Act
3. Motivator, Justification
4. More Overt Acts
5. Withholds (not communicating about the overts)
6. Criticism
7. Withdrawal from that area

This sequence is always present wherever anyone has withdrawn from any area in life because he "didn't like it anymore", or "couldn't handle it". This why people quit school, get divorces, move away from home and in many cases, die. Man is basically good and if he has been hurting others around him, he will leave those people so he won't hurt them anymore. This sequence is always present when a person is highly critical of someone. He either has overts on that person or someone that is like him.

This sequence is always present if a person has withholds, that is, doesn't like to talk about various things. There are always overts if a person is justifying, in other words using "because" and explaining why he has done what he has done. So, an indication of any part of this sequence means that all other parts of the sequence have occurred. Motivators, justifications, withholds, criticism or withdrawal always indicate the existence of overt acts.

A person will continue pulling motivators, in other words, bad things happening to him, "bad luck", as long as the overt is left unconfronted, as long as the person refuses to take responsibility for what he has done.

People spend a fantastic amount of time justifying, trying to explain away what they have done. These justifications just pull in more overts.

Criticism of other people and other things is a motivator for further overts that they have on that person or thing or on someone or thing associated to that criticised.

An overt is NEVER justified. Confronting and taking responsibility for an overt is the only way of ridding oneself of it. People justify in an attempt to attain a feeling that what they did was OK. People generally degrade and criticise that which they have harmed. If they have harmed it enough, they leave.

This idea that everybody gets what is coming to them is overworked in the areas of literature, movies and religion. Good acts do not justify bad acts.

People are critical of those things in others that are similar to the overts that they have and are committing. Used car salesmen object to Scientology because "it's a racket", beatniks object to Scientology because "it's a personality cult", unemployed people object to Scientology because "it doesn't work", and university professors object to Scientology because "it is just vague, meaningless abstractions".

This is not an overriding, universal law; it's a mechanical sequence which can be processed out of people to where they are no longer subject to it. In other words, there is a senior level of understanding and a person can rise above this treadmill.

I'd like to go into Study now.

One must be present to study. There must be two terminals (you and that you learn from) and space in between them. By present I mean the person and his attention being there, not just his body being there. Beingness precedes doingness. One must be before one can do.

Study follows the communication formula:

1. Consideration
2. Attention
3. Intention

One should consider that he can study first, then put his attention into study, and the. put intention into studying.

Study is the activity of understanding (ARC) data and significance's. It is the process of going from a non- comprehension and confusion to (1) the attainment of the ability to duplicate (although most stop here, this is simply mechanical and a mental trick), to (2) the ability to understand and comprehend, to (3) the subjective realisation and awareness of knowing, to (4) the ability and willingness to apply and use what one has learned.

The first step is the duplication of data. This is the usual custom, but it is not always necessary in learning. Governments "study" things instead of finding out about them. It is the activity to fill time and delay doingness. The basic thing that is cutting down understanding, study and the ability to act is the Overt-Motivator sequence, that is:

1. Confusion (misunderstood word or symbol)
2. Overt Acts (not studying, not listening and criticising the subject).
3. Justification ("The teacher is just an idiot". He may be, but it's still a justification.)
4. Withholds
5. Withdrawal from study

By locating the misunderstood words, one can triple ones ability in the area of study. One needn't do anything but find the words that one has misunderstood and look up their meanings. You just make up a list and look them up.

The bypassed definition (misunderstood word or symbol) occurs right before you lost interest and/or things started going bad. Example: a man gets confused half-way down a page and doesn't want to read anymore. He has bypassed a definition of a word at the top of the page. Looking up the definition of that word will order the confusion and his interest will return.

Bypassed definitions in an area similar to that you are now studying will confuse you. Example: one is confused about Scientology and has just heard a few things about it, but has already taken a course in Psychology or Indian Philosophy. One has bypassed definitions in these associated areas.

There is a gradient of randomity in study where there is sufficient randomity to hold interest without overwhelming and bypassing the person studying. The length of approach to a subject should be short enough to avoid failure, in other words, make it simple enough so that people understand it and yet long enough to avoid skipping a gradient. Enough should be learned so that the subject is covered thoroughly and in order. Don't start too high on a gradient. Start at a gradient that the person can be at and study at.

Teachers need students present in order to teach them. Not just the body, but the person's attention.

If someone can't learn, he has missed a lower gradient. If studying produces physical reactions, he has missed a lower gradient of study in that subject.

Study is a concentration of certainties, a string of confidences that lead to competencies.

One should teach the student so that he can understand the subject and use and apply it. If a person does not use and apply what he has learned, then he has not really learned it. The responsibility of the student's attainment of a subjective reality is upon the instructor.

I'd like to comment here that non-application of what one has learned indicates that there is something wrong with learning. That particular datum is valid evidence 100% of the time. No one alive, excepting myself and perhaps a few others, have in any way learned or grasped the technology of Scientology because no one else can apply it purely.

Cultures are the result of education.

Dead study has no purpose; live study has a purpose. It can be applied towards a doingness. The relative importance and applicability of the data studied is important. Without application, there is no purpose and one has pedantry instead of study.



1. Pedantic Seldom pedantic
2. Not necessarily concerned Oriented by application with applicability
3. Pompous Non-pompous, aware, sincere, natural, dedicated activity
4. Deals with pure significance's Doesn't concern itself with significance's that are not related to mass.
5. Separates significance's and action Is concerned with doingness, mass and the reason one engages in
doingness (significance).

One could have a school that did not educate, a school which would fail to add mass and doingness to a significance. Too much significance and too little mass or doingness leads to introversion. To teach a man about balls, give him a ball, not its history. The extreme of all mass and doingness and no significance also will lead one to failure in education. The sign of a professional is his ability to do. One doesn't have to have done everything to be a professional. Doingness can be overstressed.

Education should deal with enough significance's to handle a significant future.

Education should be an activity of relaying an idea or an action from one being to another in such a way as not to stultify or inhibit the use thereof. One should allow the other fellow the right to think and develop on the subject, in other words, to where he comes up to judgement, his own ability to judge and know and apply the subject becomes available.

Scientology developed this and the technology of study so that the initial experiences of teaching and de-aberrating the very ignorant could be handled smoother and quicker in their advance through the gradient levels of Scientology towards truth, and applied it in some instances 1964 - 1974 in some of their churches.

The next area I'd like to look at in study is sociological history.

Civilisations rise and fall. Civilisations and their cultures fall partly because they lose their technologies. They lose their technologies because people don't study technologies and can't study technologies. People can't study because they don't know how to study. There have been no technologies for education. Until now there has been no technology of study.

One of the reasons you quit studying is that you study false things. Another thing is that there is an absence of judgement or evaluation. People think that duplication alone is study. If is simply a mechanical step, mental feat. Duplication without sense is deadly. Duplication is not the way to study. The world's chaos is the result of these mental feats, training minds instead of people. The world is desperately deficient in educated people. Study has nothing to do with mental feats; it is concerned with people, not their minds. Study has to do with understanding, with another person's willingness to know.

A person can't learn if he doesn't see that he doesn't know, if he - already knows about it. A person who doesn't recognise their own ignorance can only pretend to study.

Before you can study, you must consider and be aware that THERE IS SOMETHING HERE TO LEARN. Ones lack of understanding and inability to study leads to fixed slavishness to things and fixed opinions to safeguard oneself. Fixed ideas and prejudices are based on ones inability to understand.

If a person knows his subject, he won't be the victim of every little bump in his way. Conditions won't monitor whether a person attains results. (I could not stress the last two sentences enough. Those two sentences are the keys to godhood.)

General problems that people have that prevent their learning:

1. They "already know all about it".
2. They employ and claim to need fixed opinions to protect their own stupidity.
3. They let their idea about their knowledge be altered because of difficulties in attaining results.

You see, only after acquiring the freedom of knowing what you do and don't know about a subject do and don't know about a subject can you acquire judgement.

Tackle the words before you tackle the subject. Never leave a word behind in studying.

Care has no relation to speed. Time is an individual consideration and is highly subjective.

Familiarity with the subject is attained after gaining a familiarity with the words.

I'd like to now briefly discuss Scientology Processing as an overview.

Scientology processing is the application of a precise technology based on principles about communication, the human mind and life, in which one person (an auditor) aids and listens to another person to "clear" that person of confusions. It enables the person being cleared (a pre-clear) to increase his ability to be, live, perceive, experience, understand and act by freeing his attention from confusions. It can be applied at any gradient of awareness and through it a person can solve his difficulties in life and thought.

The goal of processing is to bring a person closer to the state of "clear" where he ceases to act irrationally (re-act), is total cause over his existence if he chooses to be, and can handle anything that he is confronted with.

Clears have fewer problems, better health, higher IQs, higher perception, quicker reaction time, are more stable, more oriented and have better personalities by traditional standards. They are highly individualistic. The state of clear is in no way an absolute, it is a subjective and objective, obtainable and attainable reality.

The next area I'd like to take up here is some data that has been sensationalised by the press.

The press and the public occasionally confuse and sensationalise practically any significant event that occurs and Scientology has been to some degree a significant event.

The facts are that:

1. Dianetics was a million selling book explaining the human mind and has been a psychotherapy that embraces the first four dynamics, in other words, self, sex, family, groups and mankind.
2. The Hubbard Electrometer (E-meter) is an electronic device for measuring the state and change of state of humans. It is about the size of a cigar box and is used in processing to measure masses surrounding the human body and thus locate areas of confusion. It measures unconscious and pre-conscious data. It works, in fact, it always works. The use of an E-meter is a precise skill. A trained operator can find out anything with it. It operates by measuring body resistance and changes in body resistance which is monitored by the energy mass (usually having significance's attached) in the pre-clear's reactive mind (an individual universe of matter, energy, space and time which surrounds and passes through the body).
3. Past lives and pre-natal memory. Pre-natal memory is excessively validated in Dianetic research. The validity of past life phenomena is observed uniformly in Scientology processing, however, the present life is probably the most important life to the pre-clear, although the chances of him viewing it that way are minute. Objectively speaking, the life one is living is the most important one, but most people are living it from another life point of view, unbeknownst to them.
4. Scientology as a Religion. It probably was one from 1954 to 1969. During those years, it dealt with man as an immortal soul and as a being, and operated off some degree of religious philosophy, tenets, some degree of religious, philosophic tenets. The supposed realm of Scientology is that of religious wisdom, not of religious practice. Its church creed states that "all men have inalienable right to their own religious practice and their performance".

After 1969 the majority of the actions of the church were to deny that previous part of the church creed with the introduction of something known as the Sea Org which is a para-military organisation of excessively dedicated individuals, preoccupied with a power struggle against governments. Scientology as a religion during the 1954 through 1969 period did not condone or adhere to any form of belief. It was concerned with Knowingness, Certainty and Awareness. Thus Scientology, in its purest form, embraced all religions; a person's religious beliefs and practices were his own business.

Likewise, there was no political affiliations of Scientology during the 1954 to 1969 period. During those years, Scientology asserted a desire to maintain a society in which it could operate from and had a number of suggested plans for world peace.

The next thing I'd like to take up is the definitions and words. Before we can understand the technology or study the technology of Scientology one must know the meanings of the words and we will be taking that up in very exact detail quite soon. I'd like to clear up the majority of the important words that you will need to understand to where you can follow along. So, this is a definition sheet:

Affinity - is a consideration of distance.

Chaos - all points in motion, no points fixed.

Effort - the physical force manifestation of motion.

Energy - postulated particles in space; condensed space.

Environment, objective - the environment everyone agrees is there.

Environment, subjective - the environment the individual himself believes is there and it is not necessarily agreed upon.

Facsimile - an energy recording of a finite period of time which can contain all perceptions; a mental image picture.

Gradient scale - a scale of differences between zero and infinity.

Matter - grouped particles in space,

Randomity - the ratio of unpredicted motion to predicted motion.

Reality - the agreed upon apparency of existence.

Space - a viewpoint of dimension.

Time - a postulate that space and particles will persist.

Stable datum - a datum, not necessarily factual, which an individual uses to align a confusion.

Responsibility - willingness to be cause and willingness to confront.

Intelligence - the ability to perceive, pose and resolve problems, and to create solutions.

Work - activity with a purpose.

Happiness - the overcoming of known or not unknown obstacles towards a known goal and also the contemplation or indulgence in pleasure.

The next 200 definitions of Scientology words and concepts are not in alphabetical order but should probably be studied and learned in the order that they are presented.

Missed withhold - an undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another and/but not disclosed.

Withhold - an undisclosed contra-survival act,

ARC break - the assignment of responsibility for a sudden drop in affinity, reality or communication.

Clearing - a qualitative return of confidence in self, not a quantitative erasure or handling of bank (reactive mind).

As-is-ness - the condition of immediate creation without persistence and is the condition of existence which exists at the moment of creation and the moment of destruction and is different from other considerations in that it does not contain survival.

Alter-is-ness - the consideration which introduces change, and therefore time and persistence into an As-is-ness to obtain persistency.

Is-ness - an apparency of existence brought about by the continuous alteration of an As-is-ness. This is called, when agreed upon, Reality.

Not-is-ness - the effort to handle Is-ness by reducing its condition through the use of force. It is an apparency and cannot entirely vanquish an Is-ness.

Reality - the agreed upon apparency of existence.

Stupidity - the unknowness of consideration.

Truth - an exact consideration.

Barrier - a consideration or idea that limits other considerations or ideas. This, of course, includes emotional and physical universe barriers.

Blanketing - this is an incident consisting of throwing oneself as a thetan (spirit) over another thetan or over a MEST (matter, energy, space and time) body. Blanketing is done to obtain an emotional impact or even to kill. It is strongest in sexual incidents where the thetan throws two MEST bodies together in the sexual act in order to experience their emotions. This sexual lust comes from the Halver. (The Halver was an incident of being split in half supposedly.). The fullest effect - MEST itself.

Chain - a series of similar engrams, similar locks, similar secondaries or anything going backwards or forward in time filed in the mind.

CDEI scale - (Curious-Desire-Enforce-Inhibit) a scale upon which life exists and proceeds.

Delusion - things not of ones own creation or of the MEST universe which locate one in time and/or space.

Dimension points - the first action of beingness is to extend from the viewpoint points to view, which are dimension points.

Dirty Needle - that erratic agitation of the needle on an E-meter which covers less that 1 inch of an E-meter dial and tends to be persistent.

Enmest - MEST that has been enturbulated by entheta or crushed too hard into theta and thus rendered less usable.

Entheta - theta which is enturbulated with MEST in an inharmonious combination.

Ethics - rationality towards the highest level of survival of the dynamics.

Evaluation of data - a datum is as understood as it can be related to other data.

Exteriorize - the act of moving the thetan outside the body Time - a postulate that space and particles will persist, however, a better definition is; a consistency of viewpoint of the interaction of dimension points.

Figure-figure-figure - after a thetan (spirit) has been unable to separate himself from a group or object for a considerable length of time he begins to believe that whatever it is, it is something which he must have. He will then figure-figure-figure a reason why he has this object. A person who is firmly convinced that he is a body and is therefore being a body always has to have a reason for a significance. Hence, we get figure-figure-figure. Given a fact, there must be other facts. And in this wise, we get somethingness added to greater somethingness.

Freedom - ability to create and position energy and/or matter in time and space.

Future - on the time track, that area later than present time; perception of the future is postulated as a possibility. The creation of future realities through imagination is a recognised function.

Game - a game consists of freedoms, barriers and purposes. Life can be viewed as a game. It may contain a player or players, a playing field and a weenie, that is, an object to be obtained.

Happiness - could be defined as the overcoming of obstacles towards a desirable goal.

Habit - a stimulus-response mechanism similar to the training pattern but set up by the reactive mind out of the content of engrams. It cannot be changed at will by the analytical mind.

Havingness - the ability to duplicate which can be and is decreased by a person having withholds. Also, it is the concept of being able to reach. One does engage in action in order to have (futurity, time oriented).

Illusion - any idea, space, energy, object or time concept which one creates himself.

Insanity - an unknowing games condition. (Games condition is defined as a game where there are winners and losers. )

Intelligence - the ability to perceive, pose and resolve problems.

Invalidation - a word or action that casts doubt on or denies the truth of a person's thoughts, actions or perceptions.

Worry - contradictory engram commands which cannot be computed,

Lambda - symbol for the living organism.

Lie - a second postulate, statement or condition designed to mask a primary postulate which is permitted to remain.

Man - thetan, genetic entity (that spirit which runs the body), the somatic mind (that mind which runs the body), the analytical mind and the reactive mind.

Para-Scientology - that branch of Scientology which exceeds the reality of the individual, in most instances, and that branch which contains the uncertainties of Scientology.

Parts of man - Body, Mind and Soul.

The Past - on the time track, everything earlier than present time.

Perception - any means of communication below the level of knowingness.

Pleasure - action towards obtaining the procurement of survival,

Present Time (PT) - a response to the continuous rhythm of the physical universe resulting in a hereness and a nowness.

Problem - two or more purposes in opposition

Scientology - the science of how to change conditions, The science of knowing how to know answers.

Viewpoint - a point from which to view, The first consideration of a thetan in creation is the assumption of a viewpoint from which to view that created

Symbol - anything having mass, meaning and mobility.

Theta - the only known static (Life). (There may be more than one.)

Thinkingness - the potential of considering.

Truth, ultimate - a static.

Recall - the re-experiencing of the perceptions of past incidents.

Postulate - a decision regarding a state of beingness.

Psychotic - a person completely out of present time and out of agreement with his environment and those around him.

Randomity - the ration of unpredicted motion to predicted motion.

Organism - a physical manifestation of Life; a material form organised and controlled by theta

MEST - matter, energy, space and time

Matter - grouped particles of energy located in a relatively stable relationship to one another.

Effort - force with direction. A physical effort in the MEST universe.

Energy - postulated particles in space.

"I" - the thetan, the centre of awareness, that part of the total organism that is fundamental cause.

Dichotomy - a pair of opposites such as black-white, good- evil, love- hate. Consideration - the highest capability of life, taking rank over the mechanics of space, energy and time.

Charge - energy being held in present time in relation to an incident or chain of incidents.

Analytical mind - that part of a person's thinking machinery and memories over which he has relatively full control.

Aberration - a sub-optimum or other-determined condition or consideration which a person is unable to change at will.

Culture - the pattern (if any) of life in the society. All factors of the etc., whether economic, society, social, educational, creative or destructive. The culture might be said to be the theta body of the society.

Anchor point - anything from which to view or perceive, and also defines spaces, masses and particles.

Assessment - an inventory, an examination, a calculation or evaluation of a pre-clear.

Automaticity - anything that the thetan perceives or not, and is not under his direct control.

Cause - origin or source; can also be a source-point.

Chaos - all points in motion, no points fixed.

Circuit - a pseudo-personality out of a facsimile strong enough to dictate to the individual and to become identified with the individual.

Communication - the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from a source-point across a distance to a receipt- point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt point a duplication of that which emanated from the source point.

Communication Lag (Comm.-Lag) - the time intervening between the posing of a question or a command and the exact answer to that question or the exact execution of that command.

Consideration - a continuing postulate, not necessarily ones own.

DED - an act done to any dynamic and considered harmful with no justification for the act.

DEDEX - an act done to any dynamic and considered harmful with the justification for the act attempted to be placed after the act.

Dimension point - anything which defines dimensions.

Dynamic - the central drive of an individual.

Effect - receipt-point.

Effort - the physical force manifestation of motion.

Implosion - particles going towards a common centre.

Energy - postulated particles in space, condensed space.

Engram - an energy recording of a finite period of time, containing pain and unconsciousness, with a real or imaginary threat to survival, and containing command value, and containing a compulsory exteriorization.

Environment - the surroundings of a person from moment to moment, in particular or general; anything he perceives or believes he perceives.

Environment, objective - the environment everybody agrees is there.

Environment, subjective - the environment the individual himself believes is there and not necessarily agreed upon.

Explosion - particles going away from a common centre.

Five-way bracket - you for yourself; you for another; another for himself; another for you; others for others.

Gradient scale - scale of differences from zero to infinite

Havingness - the ability to accept, reject and permit to remain masses, spaces and particles.

Lock - an incident of greater or lesser enturbulance of theta which approximates the perceptics of an engram
or chain of engrams, and therefore becomes trapped due to the physical pain recorded in the engram and remains an encystment of theta.

Perfect Duplication - an additional creation of an object, its energy and space, in its own time, using its own energy.

Postulate - a conclusion, decision or resolution made by the individual himself, on his own self-determinism on data of the past or present, known or unknown. It is made upon the evaluation of data and/or perception of the individual or an impulse without data or perception. It is a conclusion, decision or resolution deciding on problems, solutions or observations in the present or past or sets a pattern for the future.

Psychotic, computing - one who is running on a circuit.

Psychotic, dramatising - one who dramatises one type of engram or facsimile and continually plays one engram or facsimile.

Psychotic - a person completely out of present time and out of agreement with his environment and those around him.

Secondary - a lock of such magnitude that it must be run as an engram; a lock of great magnitude and entheta, but not an engram.

Service Facsimile - a non-survival situation contained in a facsimile which is called into action by the individual to explain his failures; the non-survival action is considered by the individual to be the optimum way to survive; it is the pattern which is the chronic psychosomatic or mental illness of the individual; it is complete with all perceptions.

Straightwire - the action of creating a straight line of communication between the individual and his past, and the environment and people around him in present time.

Thetan - awareness of awareness unit and/or energy production unit.

Cycle of action, actual - create, create-create-create, create-counter create, no creation, nothingness.

Invalidation - All thought, emotion or effort or action which overcomes the freedom of choice of the individual.

Evaluation - any attempt by the auditor to impose his stable datum or another stable datum upon the preclear. It is also an attempt to locate another in space and time.

Ridge - a mass of particles held in suspension and is caused by two opposing forces.

Present Time - the agreed upon position of particles that form the MEST universe at any given instant for that instant.

Communication Bridge - an application of two-way communication to minimise the potential effect of a change of process, command or location during an auditing session.

Communication Terminal - any terminal that is used for communication purposes.

Stable Datum - a datum, not necessarily factual, which an individual uses to align a confusion.

Confusion - an unpredicted mass of particles; many points in motion and only a few points fixed.

Responsibility - willingness to be cause and willingness to confront.

Blame - the assignment of responsibility with the consideration of wrongness.

Reactive Mind - that portion of the mind which files and retains physical pain and painful emotin, and counter-emotion, counter - effort and counter-thought, and seeks to direct the organism solely on a stimulus-response basis by using the above types of facsimiles to survive with and to align data. It thinks only in identities; it has no differential ability.

Analytical Mind - that portion of the mind which receives and retains experience data to compose and resolve problems and direct the organism along the 8 dynamics. It has differential ability and can think in similarities. It solves problems not by facsimiles in total, but by present time perception also.

Altitude - the trust and confidence a preclear has in his auditor, and also to the degree that he respects the
auditor and his judgement and is willing to follow directions of the auditor.

Occlusion - the part of the person's memories that are hidden on the track and are at the moment unknown to
him but have previously been known.

Necessity Level - this is a person's ability to key out his Service Facsimiles and to cease using the reactive bank for short periods of time when there is an immediate and ominous threat to his survival or the survival of others around him.

Tone Scale - a gradient scale of survival.

Tone - a person's ability to handle his Reactive Mind.

Axiom - a statement of a self-evident truth; an established principle which is universally received.

Ally - a person from whom sympathy came when the preclear was ill or injured.

Counter-effort - the force which counters ones own survival. Counter effort is an effort for which you do not accept responsibility.

Emotional Curve - any drop on the Tone Scale from above 2.5 to apathy and can occur within seconds, minutes or hours; also, a sudden rise of that magnitude.

Result - to proceed, spring or arise as a consequence, effect, or a conclusion. terminate, end or effect.

Production - the creation of utility, to cause to have existence or to happen; making, yielding.

Activity - liveliness, agility, physical motion or exercise of force.

Prediction - forecast, prophecy.

Body - the physical organism

Adjustment - functional and often transitory alteration, adaptation.

Energy - the imaginative or effective force (effective in work), vitality.

Enlightenment - the state of being in harmony with the laws of the universe, the realisation of ultimate universal truth.

Grouper - words or phrases in an engram or lock which collapse the time track bringing similar incidents together.

Valence Shifter - any phrase received during a moment of unconsciousness that causes the individual to shift into an identity not his own.

Clearing - the process or activity of raising the self- determinism of the individual by removing his confusions,

Realisation - -to become real, the process of changing from imaginary to actual, the regaining of a
previous awareness.

Power - the ability to compel obedience, to be able, a position of ascendancy, capable of acting and producing an effect.

Purposes - an end or aim to be kept in view, resolution, determination.

Ability - proficiency, competence, to be able.

Review - to look over with the intention of improvement.

Understanding - Affinity, Reality, Communication; a gradient means by which theta survives in MEST.

Orientation - the act of determining ones bearings or setting ones sense of direction. Familiarisation, awareness of the existing situation which reference to time, place, form and event and identity of persons.

Perception - the act of taking possession, power of apprehension, direct or intuitive recognition, appreciation, insight, that upon which a being engages with other beings and MEST.

Communication (redefinition) - the movement of a particle from a source point to a receipt point with the other beings and MEST.

Communication (redefinition) - the movement of a particle from a source point to a receipt point with the intention of the communication being duplicated at the receipt point.

Recognition - knowing or feeling that a certain object has been seen before. To perceive something previously known, to acknowledge.

Help - assistance, aid, the furthering of survival for an entity or entities. To give support to. Remedy, cure, relieve, save, extricate, benefit, promote, mend, prevent. Awareness of a responsible action that promotes survival.

Hope - to cherish or desire with expectations, to place confidence or trust in, desire, trust, reliance. Awareness of an expectation of a better future.

Demand for Improvement - an insistence or firm declaration for betterment, gain or increase. Awareness of a reach for betterment.

Need of Change - the necessity and obligation of alteration, modification, conversion, or transformation. Awareness of a desire for a difference.

Fear of Worsening - the attempt to go, the distress, dread, anticipation of decline, degradation, reduction. Awareness that more things (quantity) could get worse.

Effect - receipt, other-determined, uncontrolled, the person being a result of his environment. Awareness of a being that something else has brought it about.

Ruin - falling down, decay, collapse. Awareness of having fallen down.

Despair - to lose hope utterly, to give up expectation, domination by feelings of hopelessness. Awareness of being without hope.

Suffering - submission to affliction, pain, loss, distress, or hardship. Awareness of bearing up or being forced to endure. Awareness of pain in the past and the future.

Numbness - reduced sensibility to touch, perception, or emotion. A stupor. Awareness of emotion or sensation being taken away.

Introversion - continually looking in instead of looking out Awareness of things or happenings applying only to oneself.

Disaster - calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm. Awareness of a sudden unwanted happening caused by an other- determinism.

Inactuality - unactual, unfactual, or unreal. Awareness of misinterpretation of what is.

Delusion - misleading of the mind, abnormal mental state, false belief, or persistent error in perception. Awareness of the misinterpretation of beliefs.

Hysteria - conduct exhibiting unmanageable fear or emotional distress. Awareness of rapid evacuation
of the body.

Shock - a state of profound depression of the vital processes, mental dullness. Awareness of too much impact,

Catatonia - negativism, muticim, catalepsy, underlying thinking disorder, accompanied by hallucinations and delusions of omnipotence and occasioned by a state of violence. Awareness of negatives only, no sensation, false all-power and rare violence striking back.

Oblivion - an act of forgetting, forgetfulness, being forgotten. Awareness of something being in the way of awareness.

Detachment - separatism, unworldliness. Awareness of portions from a larger mass or whole and being separate from them.

Duality - doubleness, being dual, made up of two elements. Awareness of the condition of two-ness (no gradient here).

Secrecy - mystery, the habit of keeping secrets, seclusion. Awareness of the state of being hidden.

Hallucination - perceptions of objects with no reality. A state of completely unfounded and mistaken impressions or motions. Awareness of misinterpretation of the senses.

Sadism - the infliction of pain upon a love object as a means of obtaining sexual release. Delight in physical or mental cruelty. Obtaining pleasure through the observation of the suffering of another. Awareness of pleasure in others abuse.

Masochism - awareness of the direction of aggressive, destructive tendencies towards oneself. Gratification
through identification (self-caused pain). Awareness of pleasure in being abused by oneself or others.

Elation - self-exaltation, vain glory. Awareness of being picked up or lifted up by other-determinism.

Glee - high-spirited joy accompanied by exuberant outward display over others' misfortunes or failures. Awareness of uncontrolled joy.

Work - activity with purpose.

Fixidity - the state of being fixed. Awareness of being fastened.

Erosion - disintegration or destruction of the surface substance. Awareness of destruction by slow degrees.

Dispersal - the result of going different ways. Being scattered. Awareness of being scattered in random directions all at the same time.

Disassociation - to detach or terminate association. Awareness of detachment from close proximity.

Criminality - the act or state of being seriously offensive and guilty of a crime. Awareness of continued violations of known laws.

Uncausing - simply not causing. Awareness of nothing brings about anything.

Disconnection - the act of severing the connection between, detaching. Awareness of severing the connection of or between something.

Unexistence - absence, non-existence, not-ising is-ness. Awareness that there is no awareness of anything existing.

Chance - awareness that mathematical probabilities determine events.

Fate - awareness that sub-awareness agreements control the outcome of random events.

Destiny - awareness that sub-awareness agreements control individuals and events.

Luck - awareness that random mathematical probabilities, regarding matter, energy, space and time blended with sub-awareness agreements determine events.

Fortune - awareness that favourable conditions and events occur on a predetermined or encoded or accidental pattern or fashion.

Love - although there are probably eighteen different definitions because the Greeks had eighteen words for this, as an awareness level, it is an awareness level of identification affinity, harmonics of recognition, harmonics of co-existence and mutual beingness as a substitute for comprehension in many instances, particularly, if it's a chronic awareness level.

Self - awareness of only oneself.

Ideas - awareness only of ideas.

People - as an awareness level, awareness only of people. Things - as an awareness level, awareness only of things.

Groups - as an awareness level, the only awareness is of that of a group.

Money - awareness of symbolic measurements of effort and/ or criminality from past havingness.

Survival - awareness of conflict, death probabilities and inescapability. A non-awareness of non-games conditions and an excessive awareness of persistency's in a game containing a high degree of persistency's.

Evil - as an awareness level, awareness of destruction only.

Religion - as an awareness level, awareness of belief, other determinism and severe overwhelm, banding together out of fear and escapism in the individual's final attempt to maintain stability after unduplicatible impacts or losses.

So, these words having been cleared, I'd like to take up the subject of auditing which is the actual Scientology processing for the improvement of the person.

The ability to do auditing is broken down to five areas. Under "gross auditing errors" you find listed the five major areas of auditing. On a tape and bulletin entitled -Out- Tech (September, 1965) it lists the five areas of auditing and in the ethics codes of Scientology it lists that there are only five high crimes as far as applying the technology.

No one in the Church has apparently taken any significant note of this. 100% of their attention is on the crimes, which are nuances, misdemeanours and details involving auditing. If you commit a misdemeanour, you get frowned upon by the Church; if you commit crimes, you have to do a little retrain cycle in an afternoon (which is entitled a Cramming Action where you study the little point that you erred on); but if you commit a high crime, they are supposed to throw you out of the Church and cancel your certificates. The latter doesn't happen. Since 100% of the Church is obsessed with playing with crimes and misdemeanours, they don't ever notice high crimes, or do anything about high crimes, and unfortunately commit them 100% of the time. There is no evidence within any of the churches files that the five fundamentals of auditing were ever, in any instance, by any individual, applied.

The first of the five fundamentals is the communication formula, (these are also known as training routines) TR-0 is being there, not doing anything but being there, TR-1 is the ability to communicate naturally to another person to where he receives the communication. TR-2 is acknowledging a communication which completes it to where the communication no longer exists for either of you, you have moved along in time. TR-3 is the ability to repeat a question until it is completely answered. TR-4 involves ignoring comments which is where the bank has taken over an individual, getting all the person's origination understood and clarified to where their attention can come back to the process. So, the first fundamental in auditing is using a communication formula and an auditing communication cycle; understanding that this is cyclic and using the formula in auditing.

The second fundamental, a simply area in auditing, is using a repetitive communication formula, in other words, asking the same question over and over until it is not producing change anymore, in other words, using a repetitive communication cycle. This is also known as flattening a process. There is no evidence of this being done to any great extent within any of the churches or outside of my own investigation and research.

The third area is getting and keeping a preclear in an auditing session. This simply means getting and keeping a preclear in an auditing session, nothing more to it than that. In other words, one has preclears, they arrive. I think getting one is kind of a step down. They should come to ones doorstep on ones knees if you're doing the first two. If you're actually using a communication formula on a preclear and flattening questions there is no question that they are going to be sending in everyone they know. Getting preclears is never a problem if you do the first two things.

The churches' solution to getting a preclear is promising the world to them and as far as keeping a preclear they do it with intimidation.

Keeping a preclear is handled by the second area of flattening questions. If you flatten a question, a person will finally find the truth and there is no problem in keeping a preclear then. If they are finding truth, the only keeping that will be done is that you are going to have to keep them away to where you have some time for yourself or time for other preclears.

There are rare occasions, I'd say 1 out of 2000, where you would actually have to use a communication bridge to encourage a preclear to continue their particular endeavour. I'd strongly recommend an auditor not doing that, I'd recommend an auditor clearing up why the preclear has any degree of doubt or reservation about his own self-discovery. So, getting and keeping a preclear is practically an unnecessary action, but it is printed within the technology of Scientology that it is a necessary action. It is a high crime not to get and keep PC's. Personally, I find it absolutely impossible not to have preclears and I have found it unnecessary to keep them. They keep themselves around and they arrive on their own volition.

The fourth simple area of auditing is knowing how to use an E-meter correctly and we will be taking each these areas up in detail later. This is a skill which you could probably train into any monkey or dog, but people make it far more complicated than it is. It is a trainable skill which if a person is highly intelligent or highly confused, they could take up to six months learning how to do it. (I was both 20 years ago and it took that long.) An average individual, properly taught, can learn how to use an E-meter in, after they have been processed up to the Solo Course area, about 3 days time. It takes about 20 hours to train the skill in.

A person walking in off the street that hasn't had any processing, it would take them about six months because people coming in off the street can't understand or comprehend or believe the simplicity that if a needle moves at the end of a question then you should do something regarding that question. You should run the process. If it doesn't move, well then you don't run the process. So, the ability to use an E-meter is the fourth area.

The fifth area is probably the most lengthy, complex and turns into an albatross for a lot of people: that is the ability to apply the written materials of the technology of Scientology, as far as what process to run, what to do in the session, and so forth.

So, the first four make up what is known as your basic auditing skills and you could apply these to anyone and use practically any question on them and they would probably get better on a short-term, limited basis and if you apply the fifth area well, they are just going to have the time of their life. At the very least, it will exceed their expectations and imagination both of which are determined by the reactive mind. You are doing something that is senior to the reactive mind so it's got to be better than anything they imagined it to be.

Likewise, in these fourth and fifth areas there is no evidence of any ability to read an E-meter or apply the written materials within the church, historically or presently.

So, what I'd like to do is take up in a less than abbreviated fashion what these five skills are. In driving a car you have to know how to handle the gears and the steering wheel and the brakes and the accelerator, turn signals, instruments and rules of the road; you have about seven things to watch for there and you learn each one them separately, then you start to blend them in and pretty soon driving a car is pretty easy. In auditing, you have about the same number of factors because you have these five factors of the (1) communication formula, (2) repetitive communication formula, (3) getting and keeping PC's, (4) the E-meter and (5) applying written materials. You have two other factors in the session which will be that the preclear as a spiritual being and the preclear as bank.

One final factor is you are keeping adequate administration, in other words, paperwork. So, it gives you seven or eight factors to work with in auditing. The analogy to driving a car is quite appropriate because as one gets better at each of these skills, it becomes more and more natural and more and more easy. If a person understands these five skills, well the overall activity of auditing is too simple to believe. It actually turns out to be a great pleasure, at times an amusement and eventually as natural as rain.

So, first of all let's take up training routines which are necessary part for good auditing.

The first one is TR-0. This is a drill where the student and the coach sit apart from each other and the student is coached to simply be there comfortably and confront, not do anything but be there. One is coached on that until one can simply be there. After you can do that, then the coach starts saying things which would normally upset one from being there and flattens those things off to where a person can be there regardless of what one has to confront. One uses this skill in auditing of simply being there with a preclear.

TR-1: one simply communicates in a natural tone of voice and intends the communication to arrive over the space of the preclear and the preclear gets it.

TR-2 is acknowledgements. This is where the coach reads a line out of a book and the student acknowledges it to where the communication is complete. The comm. cycle is complete to where it is the end of that cycle of action. So, an acknowledgement is taught not as an agreement but simply that it is a method of controlling a preclear's communication and it's a full stop to the communication. One is taught to acknowledge the communication only. One learns not to over acknowledge the preclear to where you blow the whole day away for the preclear; or under acknowledge. If you under acknowledge the preclear it's an encouragement for him to go on. That is known as a half acknowledgement, sometimes it is useful, but generally if you let them ramble and then give them a full acknowledgement, then that ends the communication for them (it's not there anymore).

TR-3 is simply teaching a person to redeliver the command until they get an answer to it. TR-3 also teaches the student to duplicate without variation a command to where they can give it newly in a new unit of time. It teaches the auditor not to ask a second question until you have received an answer to the first one. In other words, you keep asking the question until you get an answer. So, it teaches you how to deliver a question newly in a new unit of time freshly.

TR-4 is called preclear origination's. It teaches you to, if there is an origination, to fully get it all out on the table to where you understand it, and then return the preclear to the process or the question that you were running. If a preclear's bank turns on strongly, starts aiming comments at you or the room, anything that is aimed you would ignore and not acknowledge. Any origination, which would be a non-sequitur answer, you would take up and clarify to where a preclear doesn't have any stuck attention on it and you can return him to session again.

Obviously, these are all highly useful in life, but if you use these four TRs in sessions, auditing just runs like a dream.

There are some upper training routines which are useful in some types of processing. To summarise these TRs: an auditor is trained on TR-0 so that he will be there with the preclear and can comfortably assist the preclear, TR-1 is done so that the preclear can receive and hear the auditor, not be disturbed by the auditor's manner of communicating, TR 2 is done and practised so that the preclear gets acknowledged and his communication gets recognised and as-ised, TR-3 is done so that the auditor will continue to give the commands and run a process, and TR-4 exists so that a preclear's origination's will be accepted.

The upper TRs are as follows: TR-5 was something that had been deleted from the technology. It was a training routine to teach the auditor that verbal commands are not always necessary in a session. It is kind of ridiculous to train someone in something that obvious but suffice it to say, non-verbal communication does exist, in fact, 88% of what is communicated between people is non-verbal according to the University of Minnesota. One should be highly aware of it when it is going on, it doesn't need to be trained in. TR-6, which is an upper level TR, is simply body control to where you learn to run Start-Change-Stop on another body, just moving it around a room, learning to give the commands. TR-7 is more of the same except the coach is extremely belligerent and tries to upset the student's control. It is sort of an extreme drill because, and it is done on a gradient scale, it is to train an auditor up to where he can handle a rebellious person under any circumstance and can run fine control under any circumstance. It increases the auditor's willingness to handle other people. TR-8 is learning how to deliver a command into an object without any reservation about the command being executed and it breaks up social machinery associated with words. You intend one thing and say another into an ashtray, then yell at the ashtray, then you sit there silently and deliver the intention directly into the ashtray. The best drill is actually a side exercise of placing thoughts and changing thoughts in respect to the ashtray. Properly done, actually one can accomplish physical changes. Twice I was doing the drill asking the ashtray to stand up and twice it stood up with witnesses in 1966. There are three or four other people at times where this has occurred. It requires some hours of work and one gets into very excellent affinity with the molecules of the ashtray. I'll tell you that much about it. TR-9, the final TR, is Tone-40 on a person to where one can communicate with intention to another person without any reservation and getting the intention executed. It is done to bring about in the student auditor the willingness and ability to handle other people and to cheerfully confront other people while you give them commands and run control. It also teaches one to maintain a high level of control in any circumstance no matter what is happening and if you have to use any effort at all, to use it very precisely and kindly, if possible. So, it is sort of a finishing touch.

One practices these TRs until they are comfortable. If you are training them into a student auditor, the proper way to do that is when the TRs are manifest and evident on the person in life after the training, then they have then down cold. If it's an artificial skill that they use only in auditing, then they must not understand that they are dealing with the mechanics of communication and interaction of every day life. The realisation of how applicable all of this is beyond description.

If someone calls you and says "I'm going to be coming over for dinner tonight" and you acknowledge the hell out of his communication, he's not going to show. If someone calls up and says they are coming over for dinner and you half- acknowledge it, I'm sure that they will drive over military tanks to get there. That is just one of nine TRs. How you acknowledge and the degree that you acknowledge is going to affect performance.

So, simply stated those are what the TRs are and they should be used. The communication formula which is used in auditing is that one has to recognise that communication cycles are cycles of action which are start change-stops. In auditing there are a number of start, changes and stops and a number of communication cycles.

If you are more interested in the TRs and communication cycles you can read a book called Dianetics Today published under the name of L. Ron Hubbard. Actually it was put together by a guy named Bill. The people who wrote the book summarised some of Hubbard's other stuff to put the book together. They tried to get Hubbard to read it but he just hasn't had the time. A lot of material in there that would really wake him up if he got around to reading it. The communication formula is a number of comm. cycles that occur in auditing and they are listed out complete with pictures in Dianetics Today but, of course, they omit a few.

The parts of an auditing communication cycle are that the auditor checks is the preclear ready to receive the command, that is the first part. The second part is the auditor gives the question or command to the preclear and the third part is the auditor verifying that the preclear got the command. The fourth thing that happens is that the preclear looks at his mind or his bank and that is known as the Itsa maker line. The fifth part that happens is the preclear gets an answer back. The sixth part that happens is he delivers an answer to you. The seventh thing that happens is that you, the auditor, check to see that he said everything. The eighth thing that happens is you acknowledge him and the ninth thing that happens is that you make sure, inspect that he received the acknowledgement The tenth thing that happens is you check to see that he answered the question that you gave him. So, these are the ten parts of an auditing comm. cycle. There are eight parts listed in the Dianetics book. You should be aware that this is what is known as an auditing comm cycle.

You go through as many of these until the process is flat: it is not producing change on the preclear and the preclear has come up to truth on the subject you are auditing him to and on.

When a preclear is in front of you and you are auditing him, he is in communication with you. There is an auditing cycle going on there. He is also in communication with his bank, that is covered under his itsa maker line and his itsa line back, which is his answer from his bank to him and his answer to you. So, there are two comm. cycles going on. There is you to him and him with his bank. There is also a third comm. cycle and that is he is in communication with present time and the room to some degree.

All three of these lines have to be above 2.0 on the Tone Scale for auditing to occur. You had better keep your line with your preclear very high-toned and make sure that there is nothing low-toned about present time or the room with the guy. I guarantee you that the material that is coming across on the itsa maker, itsa and answer back lines to you is going to aberrated and overwhelming and confusing. Since there are essentially those three lines going, if two of them are in a positive range then you can de-enturbulate this material coming across on this third ARC line. I wanted to point out that there are three major lines on a preclear in a session, one with the environment (room and present time), one with the auditor and one with his bank.

The auditing comm. cycle is used on a preclear and it is used repetitively until the process no longer produces change. This is evident by five phenomenon: the communication lag reduces, the guy figures the subject area out, he gets regained ability, he gets cognition's and a free or floating needle appears on the E-meter. One would have to be dumb to miss it. Anyway, when the process is over, it is over. You either move on to a new process, end off the session or take a break or whatever. That is the second area in detail.

Getting and keeping preclears I have already discussed. That occurs the moment you understand how to audit an individual, people start appearing at your door. There is no such thing as understanding the tech perfectly and not being able to get any preclears. I've heard this absurdity. To the degree you understand the tech and audit well, you will have a backlog of people waiting. For decades I have found this to be true. There is just no exception to it. There are too many people out there who want help and auditing and they have some spiritual perspicacity or perception and if you do it well they will certainly find you. You don't ever have to leave your room to find them. You don't even have to ever tell anybody. It will come out. People smell you out spiritually.

The E-meter, which is the fourth area, is pretty well covered in a book called E-Meter Essentials. If one were to buy a copy of that and buy an E meter and buy another book called E-Meter Drills and sit down with a coach and do those particular drills then one could use an E-meter. Since that is covered in detail in the two mentioned books I'm not going to detail it here, but I can give you an overall summary. In the "Appendix", both are summarised.

One reaches and withdraws from an E-meter until you are comfortable and not scared of the thing being there. One learns how to turn it on and off and adjust it and set what is known as a tone arm counter to measure the amount of charge that comes off the preclear during the session. One learns how to check the preclear's havingness by can squeeze and metabolism by having them take a deep breath. One then learns how to record tone arm motion, which is simply keeping the needle on the dial while the preclear is talking. One learns how to adjust the sensitivity knob. You also learn how to test the batteries. One learns how to recognise the difference between body motions, such as coughing and squirming in a chair or squeezing the cans, and motions of thoughts. Each of these are separate skills. It is like driving a car, you learn each separate skill then you blend them all together. One learns how to identify a read and get a preclear to talk about it until the read disappears. That is called cleaning a read off a needle. Then one learns the types of needle reactions and what causes each of them to where a person gains confidence by using an auditing communication cycle and handling any bank. For instance, questioning a loss they can learn how to take a fall off an E-meter; or a rise which could be caused by an ARC break restimulation, they could get a PC to talk about that until the rise would come off the meter; or a betrayal, getting a person to talk about a betrayal which causes a stuck needle, they could see that stuck needle go off the meter, and so forth. Then a person learns actively with a coach all the parts of an auditing comm. cycle, the ones I have listed before. A few are omitted from the drill book but they can be added in. One learns how to dirty a needle and clean a needle. Then one puts this all together and uses bracketed questions and learns how to get a date. The coach writes down a date and the auditor ask questions on the E-meter and the coach says nothing. In a short period of time, the auditor announces what the date is. One learns how to take a list and get a preclear to talk about and find which item on the list would be good to audit by what produces the most tone arm action. One learns how to get a preclear to sit there quietly and simply assess a list and take the largest instant read to where one would know what to audit One also learns some general rules such as, if the TA is moving, do nothing and that is senior to acknowledgements, if the TA is blowing down, moving down and the preclear is finished talking you wait until it has blown down before you acknowledge. If the tone arm isn't moving, then you do something, you start asking questions, find out what is going on to get it moving again. You learn that that which blows the tone arm down will produce tone arm motion. So, basically one learns how to use this tool, the E-meter, through those drills and the definitions are in those two books. Much of this material is also covered in Dianetics Today. I refer the reader to those two books towards practical drilling with an E-meter with a number of coaches to where it is as obvious and as easy and as useful as a screwdriver or a mascara brush.

It's a very simple activity, yet a very precise activity. You may possibly be wrong at times as an auditor and your preclear may be in error at times, but your meter is never wrong. A person should remember that the meter, although it is a guide, is an infallible guide, because you are auditing electronic charge off the being. He may be sitting there holding those cans to get all these meanings straightened out, but your job and what you are doing is getting the concrete off this individual. By concrete, I mean the overwhelming electronic charge that is ruining his existence. If you audit only these things which read well and big, then your preclear will be very well satisfied. I enclose the useful drills from E-Meter Essentials in the Appendix.

So, as far as basic auditing goes, I'd like to keep it this simple. It is that simple. There has been a lot of controversial and conflicting information printed by Mr. Hubbard on this subject, all of which belongs in a trashcan. Probably 90% of his comments on auditing shouldn't even be pursued with much seriousness. If one knows ones communication formula and uses a repetitive comm. formula, he gets questions answered and uses an E- meter and applies these materials in any logical fashion, there shouldn't be any problems.

There are QTPs, which are "questionable tech points", through out the guy's writings. There are many direct contradictions there are over 500 of these QTPs in the Red Tech Volumes. It's almost a shame to even study them.

He's very adamant and cheerful and in a very good mood on a tape and he says don't ever under any circumstance give the next command if the preclear has his eyes off of you and has drifted off, he has really finished his answer, you see. And then Hubbard comes along when he is in a bad mood at another time in 1965 and says that you should toss a new question at him. He put a bulletin out there entitled "Comm. Cycle Additives" where he says you should just follow simple muzzled TR-0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 and that's quite true, you should. It gets a bit unnatural to become completely muzzled as you should maintain live communication for that is what causes auditing to occur.

There are also a lot of bulletins on premature acknowledgements. It would be common sense not to chop someone who is talking with an acknowledgement. Also, it is asinine to invalidate a preclear with a meter or to depend on a meter, you are suppose to be asking a preclear and auditing a preclear, not a meter.

Probably the one thing a person should be warned about is a subject called Q & A. That is where you end up copying the preclear's bank instead of doing your job. There are three common types of Q & A. The first type is double questioning. That is where someone gets into asking about an answer. There is a fine line between this and getting a complete auditing communication cycle. The difference on the fine line is the difference between night and day. For instance, if an auditor were to ask "How are you doing?" and the PC says "Pretty bad", the auditor says "What's wrong?", you are kind of letting the preclear drag you all around with it. You would be a little better off if the PC says "Awful" and you say "You are?" and just look at him. Restructuring your questions around the preclear's answers is bad news, it's a Q & A. Inverting their answer to a question is clean handling.

Changing because a preclear changed is the second type of Q & A. Following the PC's instructions is probably the most absurd Q & A. It's the third type. If you actually don't understand something, it's good to get it clarified; but it's not a very healthy habit to state that you don't understand what someone says.

Q & A is probably best defined as a failure to complete a cycle of action on a PC. (A cycle of action could be defined as a start-continue-complete.) To the degree that you Q & A with a preclear, you are going to reduce the auditing gain.

There is a fundamental rule in auditing: what turns it on, turns it off. If a process turns on something pretty wild you can continue the process and it will eventually turn off.

On the subject of an E-meter, since auditing is supposed to be an essentially joyous experience instead of an excruciating one, a read, which is not properly defined anywhere within the technology, except in an obscure bulletin in 1972, is a fall, long fall, or a long fall- blow down (which is a needle motion instantaneously to the right of either 1", 2" or a downward motion of the tone arm .2 of a division as far as respective definitions). In other words, a read is something the PC can confront. If you would call those things reads and not call anything else a read, they you would be better off in auditing.

The exception to this would be doing a process entitle 37R where you are looking for the opposite of reads which are TA blowups, fast rises or sticks. The only other exception to this particular rule is where rock slams and rocket reads take priority over falls, long falls and long fall blow downs, but those occur towards the upper end of the bridge. Sometimes they occur early in auditing a PC and when they do, they take seniority. It is caused by very prominent information, extremely overwhelming information surfacing and should be handled with kid gloves until those reads turn off.

So, what I'd like to do at this time is take up this fifth area of the fundamentals of auditing. We have already covered the TRs, the comm. formula, the repetitive question where one flattens a process, getting and keeping PC's, what you need to know on an E-meter in addition to what is in E-Meter Essentials and the Book of E-Meter Drills.

So, I'd like to take up applying written materials and put forth all of the written materials you will need except where references are furnished by myself to read certain other materials and hopefully that will be few to non-existent, as a fundamental overview on the written materials of Scientology.

So, I'll take it from the top and it may seem like I'm wandering off of one subject to another, stating something again but I'm not, every drop of the rest of this chapter should be crystal clear and well understood before you sit down, if you so choose to do that, and audit another individual. It is also extremely advantageous to know if you are going to be audited by another.

So, here is the written material you need to know. It begins philosophically. Scientology addresses directly the practical solution of men's problems in the broadest possible sense. It is a body of knowledge which when applied by a properly trained Scientologist brings about an improvement in people. Its orientation is practical and its theory and application are specific in a series of well-defined terms and axioms and developments from these. In these senses it bears similarities to other bodies of knowledge both scientific and philosophical. Many of the ideas of Scientology are drawn from these areas, however, the effective organisation of these and other ideas in Scientology is somewhat unique. It is perhaps unique also in the effectiveness with which it is able to accomplish these goals.

Scientology is not merely some kind of psychotherapy or academic philosophy, though superficially it has some of the appearances of both. It can best be understood in relationship to its own specific goals or an individual's specific goals rather than through comparisons of similarities or dissimilarities to other disciplines which probably have very different goals.

As has been mentioned, Scientology has practical concern with the solution of men's problems, thus it is also concerned with the development and improvement of an individual's abilities and the development of new abilities in an individual. This improvement and abilities and the consequent solution of problems results in happier, more effective people.

Scientology properly applied wishes to bring people to clearer and clearer states of being. Just as a calculator must be cleared of previous totals and other remnants of previous calculations, so must the mind be cleared of inconsequential buttons and emotionally charged data, otherwise its computations will lack accuracy due to inappropriate data entering into its present computation.

A person who is clear is at willing and knowing cause over his own life, environment and his surroundings without a reactive or subconscious mind. This is a high stated being and one few people measure up to. Many would not dare hope that they could reach such a state, yet it has become a realistic goal and has been achieved. Properly applied, Scientology can produce clears.

Through the application of Scientology technology which is an intricately organised complex of knowledge and observations, the trained auditor uses the TRs, a repetitive communication cycle, an E-meter and approximates what is going on with the PC with his options of written material and removes these emotionally charged areas from the PC.

The cornerstone of Scientology processing is, however, communication. This is a very fundamental human activity. Through communication, we contact our environment both the physical world and other life. It is through communication with the past and present environment that each of us forms our opinions about what really is, what is real and not real, and what is possible and not possible. These opinions have an important effect on the course of our lives, we might contrast the person with a limited environment with a person who has communicated with a wide variety of environments.

A country boy who has never left the country and has had little contact with the more urban elements of our culture most likely has less freedom of choice, for example, in the area of occupation than a well travelled person from the same location as the boy. To the boy having limited communication experiences, only a limited range of jobs seems real to him. He has never really talked about or experienced in any sense many other possibilities. Just as the interior controls of a space capsule, or perhaps even an aeroplane, are outside the experience of some of us and hence unfamiliar to some of us; to that extent they may seem vague and unreal. This is not saying that we necessarily intellectually doubt their existence, but that they may seem unreal in comparison to the controls of the family car and we believe in their existence on the basis of someone else's testimony or logical deduction on our part. We do not know them from direct experience.

This communication broadly defined is responsible for a very important function, the shaping of our notions of the world around us, our own personal reality. Communication also effects our affinities, those things which we are familiar with through communication and thus seem real to us are frequently viewed with more affinity.

A rejection of other ethnic groups than ones own is an example of familiarity bringing about affinity for one set of standards while a lack of communication brings about a lack of affinity for another set of standards. The people with whom we communicate very well become our dearest friends and those with whom we communicate poorly may become, due to our own misunderstanding, unfriendly or even hostile. Areas of thought where we understand or communicate well with the elements of that area are likely to become passionate interests. The mathematician is different from the primary teacher or the composer. It stems from various abilities to communicate with and to various elements in the environment. Thus, communication determines what seems real or clear to us as well as our affinities and motivations.

The importance of the communication process should be recognised. The communication process has been broken down into the ten fundamental component parts in the communication cycle listed here previously. The elements involved in communication can be handled very precisely. This type of precision handling provides an understanding of how communication can be misunderstood and what may result from continued application of poor communication or the lack of communication.

Clarification of communication difficulties in a person's life patterns generally clear up ones activities, business, families and other groups where communication occurs between individuals and its members.

A second concept the auditor should understand in auditing is that of the stable datum. In light of our discussion of communication, the stable datum will help you understand how Scientology processing properly applied brings about beneficial changes.

Imagine a vast confusion of particles all in motion. In order to resolve any such problem or confusion, it is only necessary to be able to predict its component parts. If we can say where any given particle will be at any given time, that particle is no longer a confusion or problem but rather is ordered and predictable. To predict the motion of particles we need to pick a reference point, a point of stability from which to view the other points and around which to order them. This point is the stable datum.

In our solar system, we view the sun as the stationary object or stable datum and the planets as the moving particles which are considered to revolve and are hence oriented around the sun. We are able to predict the orbits of the planets around the sun and are so able to predict their relationships to each other. They become ordered and predictable, are not in confusion and thus, are not a problem. At one time, however, the earth was the stable datum rather than the sun. Astronomers tried to predict the orbits of planets and the sun and the other celestial bodies by using this hypothesis that the earth was static and everything else was revolving around it. For a time the stable datum worked, but observations occurred to the contrary. At first, many rejected reality and tried to cling to the stable datum of authority at that time, which happened to be the Catholic Church. Eventually, this confusing observation became so well explained by new theories and stable data that the sun was finally accepted by all as the centre of this planetary system.

Communication through improved means and methods has brought new data which has caused the abandonment of old stable data as it is no longer an effective predictor and the acceptance of a new stable datum which does predict effectively. The stable datum was that the planets and the sun revolve around the earth and the prediction was that there would be certain relationships between the positions of the planets. When these predictions proved false a new stable fact or reality, a new stable datum was needed to account for the confusing observations, yet many people tried to hold onto the old, the accepted, the demonstrably false. They were for some reason not able or willing to communicate with the facts of the situation and change accordingly so as to be better able to predict their environment.

This inability to change stable datum is an important point as we will see. Stable data are a phenomenon of our everyday thoughts. We have certain ideas of reality, codes of behaviour, public and private, personal pleasures and fears, etc. They are important whenever we wish to create an effect of any sort, that is, perform any action or make any change for we must know how to do what we want to do if we are to succeed consistently.

If we want to do well consistently in school, business, family life, matters of happiness, or any other area of endeavour, we must understand these areas and know-how to effect and control them to some extent. We must, in short, have ideas about how to go about accomplishing our goals. These ideas predict what action will be effective and what will not. They are statements which attempt to order, to make predictable, to make controllable, to explain the various areas of life experience. They are stable data, they are necessary for real success in any endeavour. As we have seen, it may be that a stable datum does not predict adequately to resolve a confusion. Indeed, if all stable data did predict adequately, everyone would be successful in their endeavours.

Few of us have completely achieved our goals and perhaps even clearly seen our potential goals. This is often due to an individual's attempt to use inadequate stable data which only add more confusion rather than reduce the original confusion. Like the reluctant astronomers of old, we sometimes find it difficult to give up our pet theories even in the fact of contrary evidence. Men can often be observed to rationalise to fantastic lengths to keep intact a belief which they somehow think will protect them from confusion. Sometimes so great is the need for protection from highly threatening problems or confusions, a person cannot take a rational approach to the problem but rather attempts to hold onto the shattered driftwood, the few remains of a defective stable datum crushed by the tidal wave of fact and experience. The drowning man fears to let go of his sticks and swim to land.

An inadequate stable datum, being a poor predictor of reality, is a liability, a barrier rather than an aid to survival. It will produce more confusion rather than more predictability.

It will produce more problems than it will produce any answers.

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