El nuevo oreden
The New World Order (you know what the NWO is - the corporate-sponsored "free-trade" globalization
steamroller) exploits language in precisely the way Orwell predicted. Words are used to mislead and conceal - not clarify
- and are twisted to designate the opposite of their true meanings. Concepts are tagged as being either "good guys" or "bad
guys" by dressing them up in "white hat" words (like "reform" or "free") or "black hat" words (like "bureaucracy" or "politics").El Nuevo Orden usted sabe que es, es- el mundo corporacional globacional , usa el doblelenguage
exactamente como orwell lo predijo
In Born on the Fourth of July (1989) Stone Otra vez expone las mentiras en los lugares altos que orquestaron
la guerra en viet nam, basado en la biografia de el veterano de guerraRon Kovic's la pelicula deja ver las mentiras
oficiales para engatuzar a los jovenes idealistas, para que se enlisten en la guerra, el oficial miente tambien
acerca de el aprecio por los veteranos, .
Tom Cruise vividly depicts every stage of Kovic's journey. The popular athlete has never questioned the values inculcated
at home, in church, or in school. When Marine Corps recruiters come to Kovic's high school, he volunteers, eager to show his
mettle fighting America's enemies abroad. In Vietnam, he quickly learns that the enemy is hard to identify, hard to find.
The neat distinctions of American football matches do not obtain here. We are still recoiling from the shocks inflicted on
guileless recruits being reprogrammed for their new profession when we, the audience, are suddenly plunged into a chaotic
fire-fight. We lose our bearings and understand how easy it is for Kovic to lose his bearings and accidentally shoot a comrade.
But Kovic does not forgive himself, and he is slow to blame anyone else for his second tour of hell, even after a bullet shatters
his spinal cord and leaves him paralyzed from the waist down.