More and more affiliates who are feeling the pinch from the major search engines stance against affiliate websites are moving
over to the latest marketing system to hit the UK known as Dropshipping. It may not seem a better way to go for the experienced
affiliate, but any system which brings in extra cash will not go un-noticed.
So what is dropshipping?
Dropshipping is where a wholesale distributor will ship their products anywhere for
you. You do not have to carry any inventory, stock or make any deliveries. You can usually take the images and descriptions
off the distributor's website and use them on your own website or online auction and sell them. Once someone makes a purchase
for the item, generally you email your distributor the address the item needs to be shipped and they will ship the item right
away for you.
It sounds easy and it is! The major place you will find the people who have ventured into Dropshipping is on eBay. There
are hundreds dropshipping and it is hard to spot the adverts on eBay which are using drop ship to those who are selling basic
products. A guide to spotting them is the postage charges.
Drop shipping is currently on the increase in the UK and is about to be the new phenomenon which will become one of the
largest revenues of sales in the UK. Join the bandwagon now before the ball starts really rolling.